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sia-antfarm is a collection of utilities for performing complex, end-to-end tests of the Sia platform. These tests are long-running and offer superior insight into high-level network behaviour than Sia's existing automated testing suite.

Sia-AntFarm Docker image

sia-antfarm is also available as a docker image ivandeex/sia-antfarm

Supported Tags


  • latest

1.2.0 (iva02)

  • Sia AntFarm v1.2.0 based on Sia v1.5.7


  • Sia AntFarm v1.1.3 with AntFarm stability updates and updated build test


  • Sia AntFarm v1.1.1 based on Sia v1.5.5


  • Sia AntFarm v1.1.0 based on Sia v1.5.4


  • Allows publishing multiple ant HTTP API ports


  • Sia Ant Farm v1.0.4 based on Sia v1.5.3


  • Sia Ant Farm v1.0.3 based on Sia v1.5.2


  • Sia Ant Farm v1.0.2 based on Sia v1.5.1


  • Sia Ant Farm v1.0.1 based on Sia v1.5.0

Running Ant Farm in Docker container

Basic Usage

To start Ant Farm with default configuration (config/basic-renter-5-hosts-docker.json) execute:

docker run \
    --publish \

Port above is the renter API address which you can use to issue commands to the renter. For security reasons you should bind the port to localhost (see above).

Custom Configuration

By default the Sia Ant Farm docker image has a copy of config/basic-renter-5-hosts-docker.json configuration file.

If you want to execute Ant Farm with a custom configuration, create your custom configuration e.g. config/custom-config.json, mount your config directory and set CONFIG environment variable to your custom configuration by executing:

docker run \
    --publish \
    --volume $(pwd)/config:/sia-antfarm/config \
    --env CONFIG=config/custom-config.json \

Change Port

To change port on which you can access the renter (e.g. to 39980) execute:

docker run \
    --publish \

Open multiple ports

In default configuration only renter's HTTP API port is accessible from outside of the docker container. If you want to configure access to more or all the ants, you need to use custom configuration file (described above) and each ant's HTTP API port needs to be set in 2 places:

  • In the configuration file
  • Pubished when starting docker container

Specify port in configuration file

APIAddr setting needs to be set in the configuration file same way as it is set for renter ant in default configuration file config/basic-renter-5-hosts-docker.json. Hostname part can only have one of two values: or localhost.

Example snippet:

			"AllowHostLocalNetAddress": true,
            "APIAddr": "",
			"Name": "host1",
			"Jobs": [
			"DesiredCurrency": 100000

Publish port when starting docker

Once you have prepared configuration file, you can start the container. You need to set the path to custom configuration via CONFIG environment variable and publish each port via --publish flag.

Example docker run command:

docker run \
    --publish \
    --publish \
    --volume $(pwd)/config:/sia-antfarm/config \
    --env CONFIG=config/custom-config.json \

Persistent Ant Farm Data

There are several ways how to persist Ant Farm data. To store antfarm-data in the current directory can be done the following way:

docker run \
    --publish \
    --volume $(pwd):/sia-antfarm/data \

AntFarm Requirements


  • Go installed. Sia Antfarm is tested extensively to run successfully on Go 1.15 on Linux and should be running well also on MacOS.
  • $GOPATH/bin should be added to the $PATH so that built siad binary can be found and executed.
  • On Linux Sia Antfarm requires ss command line utility to be installed.

Version Test Requirements

Sia Antfarm is capable of building and testing different released and custom versions of siad. Examples are in directories foundation-test (for Foundation hardfork tests) and version-test (for basic version tests and for renter and hosts upgrade tests).

Antfarm clones Sia repo if it doesn't already exist at $GOPATH/src/ The local Sia repo should be in a state that allows Antfarm to checkout different releases or custom branches, i.e. all changes should be committed. If there are any uncommitted, unstashed changes, they will be reset and lost.


To install release version of the Sia Antfarm which loads release constants from Sia repository, execute:

go get -u
cd $GOPATH/src/
make dependencies && make

Sia Antfarm dev version loads dev constants from the Sia repository (it has e.g. faster blocks) execute one of the dev targets below.

To install dev version of Sia Antfarm without debug logs enabled, execute:

make dependencies && make install-dev

To install dev version of Sia Antfarm with debug logs enabled, execute:

make dependencies && make install-dev-debug

If siad (at $GOPATH/src/ is updated and should be used with Antfarm, make dependencies needs to be rerun.

Running a sia-antfarm

This repository contains one utility, sia-antfarm. sia-antfarm starts up a number of siad instances, using jobs and configuration options parsed from the input config.json. sia-antfarm takes a flag, -config, which is a path to a JSON file defining the ants and their jobs. See nebulous-configs/ for some examples that we use to test Sia.

An example config.json:


			"jobs": [
			"jobs": [
			"jobs": [
			"jobs": [
			"apiaddr": "",
			"jobs": [
	"autoconnect": true

This config.json creates 5 ants, with four running the gateway job and one running a gateway and a miner job. If HostAddr, APIAddr, RPCAddr, SiamuxAddr, or SiamuxWsAddr are not specified, they will be set to a random port. If autoconnect is set to false, the ants will not automatically be made peers of each other.

Note that if you have UPnP enabled on your router, the ants connect to each other over the public Internet. If you do not have UPnP enabled on your router and want the ants connect to each other over public Internet, you must configure your system so that the ants' RPCAddr and HostAddr ports are accessible from the Internet, i.e. to forward ports from your public IP. You can run ant farm local IP range (then you do not need UPnP enabled router or manual port forwarding) if you set AllowHostLocalNetAddress to true.

When you installed the Antfarm binary (see section Install) you can start the Antfarm executing e.g. with one of our configs:

sia-antfarm -config nebulous-configs/basic-renter-host-5.json

or with debug logs on:

sia-antfarm-debug -config nebulous-configs/basic-renter-host-5.json

Antfarm configuration options

	'ListenAddress': 'localhost:9900' // string
	'AntConfigs': [
		<Ant Config 1>,
		<Ant Config 2>,
	'AutoConnect': true  // bool
	'ExternalFarms': [
		'localhost:9901' // string
		'localhost:9902' // string
	'WaitForSync': true  // bool

The listen address that the sia-antfarm API listens on.

An array of AntConfig objects, defining the ants to run on this antfarm. See below.

A boolean which automatically bootstraps the antfarm if provided.

An array of strings, where each string is the api address of an external antfarm to connect to.

Wait with all non-mining jobs until the ASIC hardfork block height is reached and all ants are in sync, defaults to false. This helps to prevent 2 known issues happening around hardfork height:

  • A renter contract is formed before hardfork, the block with the transaction is reverted, the transaction is being broadcasted after the hardfork height, but it has invalid signature. This issue might be fixed with upcoming utreexo changes.
  • A block with host transaction is reverted and there is an issue: wallet has coins spent in incomplete transactions - not enough remaining coins. This issue is a known wallet issue which is fixed by itself after longer time period passes in the network.

Ant configuration options

AntConfigs have the following options (with example values):

	'APIAddr':                       'localhost:9980' // string
	'APIPassword':                   'a pass word'    // string
	'RPCAddr':                       'localhost:9981' // string
	'HostAddr':                      'localhost:9982' // string
	'SiamuxAddr':                    'localhost:9983' // string
	'SiamuxWsAddr':                  'localhost:9984' // string
	'AllowHostLocalNetAddress':      true             // bool
	'RenterDisableIPViolationCheck': true             // bool
	'SiaDirectory':                  'ant_0'          // string
	'SiadPath':                      'siad-dev'       // string
	'Name':                          'miner1'         // string
	'Jobs': [
		'gateway',                                    // string
		'miner',                                      // string
	'DesiredCurrency':               100000           // int

The API address for the ant to listen on, by default an unused localhost bind address will be used.

The password to be used for authenticating certain calls to the ant.

The RPC address for the ant to listen on, by default an unused bind address will be used.

The Host address for the ant to listen on, by default an unused bind address will be used.

The SiaMux address for the ant to listen on, by default an unused bind address will be used.

The SiaMux websocket address for the ant to listen on, by default an unused bind address will be used.

If set to true allows hosts to announce on local network without Antfarm being hosted on host with public IP, port forwarding from public IP to host or need of UPnP enabled router with public IP.

Relevant only for renter, if set to true allows renter to rent on hosts on the same IP subnets by disabling the IPViolationCheck for the renter.

The data directory to use for this ant, by default a unique directory in ./antfarm-data will be generated and used.

The path to the siad binary, by default the siad-dev in your path will be used.

Human readable name of the ant.

An array of jobs for this ant to run. Available jobs include:

  • miner
  • host
  • noAllowanceRenter
  • renter
  • autoRenter
  • gateway

noAllowanceRenter job starts the renter and waits for renter wallet to be filled.
renter job starts the renter, sets default allowance and waits till the renter is upload ready, it doesn't starts any renter's background activity.
autoRenter does the same as 'renter' job and then starts renter's periodic file uploads, downloads, and deletions.

A minimum amount (integer) of SiaCoins that this Ant will attempt to maintain by mining currency. This is mutually exclusive with the miner job.


The MIT License (MIT)