- An SWE🧑💻
- Constant learner✍️
- Loves solving problems and sharing ideas.
In a journey where I can solve real world engineering problems with my technical skills that I'm currently acquiring.
In a journey where I can solve real world engineering problems with my technical skills that I'm currently acquiring.
Interests = ["Machine Learning" , "Deep Learning" , "Robotics", "AI in medicine" , "Self driving cars" , "Web" , "IOT" , "Blockchain"]
This is just a documentation of my Arch Linux installation in a Windows dual booted system
Forked from mightyeaglemcc/DOS_GUI
It's a GUI for DOS. Its made to mimic the basic features of other OSes like Windows. Coded in Turbo C++.
Forked from Taiters/chip8
A Chip8 emulator which runs in the browser along with tools to view the registers and instructions