I created this repository to add
- Challenges
- Youtube Channels
- Articles
- Books
- Tools
- Libraries and Frameworks
- Courses
- Technologies
- Repositories
Name | Description |
Over 1,500 project ideas | Just like the name says, Over 1500 project ideas. |
LeetCode | Coding challenges to help you through coding interviews. |
App Ideas Repository | A github repository for great app ideas. |
Javascript Algorithms | Javascript algorithms you should know. |
Name | Description |
3Blue1Brown | If you love math and programming you will love this channel. |
Code Bullet | AI related. |
Coding Garden With CJ | A chill youtuber and streamer who mostly codes with Javascript. |
Computerphile | Get a better understanding of Computer Science with these guys. |
Fireship | Lots of fun content to enjoy about programming with professional content. |
Traversy Media | Web development tutorials. |
Coding Tech | Tech Conferences / Tutorials. |
Dev Ed | Web design tutorials and more with the touch of comedy. |
Red Stappler | Short web development tutorials. |
GynvaelEN | Capture the Flag streamer. |
Ask Gamedev | Game development content by a fun group of guys. |
Brackeys | Chill game development tutorials. |
carykh | A mix of AI and fun. |
ColorCode | Short web development tutorials. |
DarkCode | Short and well designed web development tutorials. |
Joma Tech | Ironic computer science youtuber. Funny and educative |
Hak5 | Cyber security news. |
Kalle Hallden | Well produced videos to learn something new about programming. |
Seytonic | Cyber Security channel. |
The Coding Train | Chill and Fun youtuber/streamer which uses graphical frameworks to solve challenges |
Socratica | Education channel about math and computer science. |
Name | Description |
Oh Shit, Git | Read this in case you screw with git. |
Js The Right Way | Javascript best practices. |
Automate Your Dating Life with 100 Lines of Python | A python script which auto swipes right on Hinge. |
Why Computers Can Never Generate Truly Random Numbers | The essence of pseudorandom vs true random |
Should you use Linux for development? | Pros and cons of using Linux for development. |
Javascript testing best practices | Javascript best testing practices |
NodeJS best practices | Node.js best practices. |
Text Sentiment Analysis | Text Sentiment Analysis in NLP |
Understanding Database Sharding | Understanding Database Sharding |
Name | Description |
Teach yourself Computer Science | List of books to teach yourself Computer Science. |
Coders: The Making of a New Tribe and the Remaking of the World | The importance of various code in the world. |
Name | Description |
Windows Quick Look | A tool which brings the "Quick Look" macOS feature to Windows. |
scrcpy | Display and control your Android. |
Remove.bg | Removes the background from a picture. |
Pexels | Free stock photos. |
Icons8 | Free icons. |
Flaticon | Free icons. |
Zenkit | Project management tool. |
Trello | Project management tool. |
ClickUP | A tool which purpose is to replace all the common tools. |
DaFont | Free fonts. |
Google Fonts | Free fonts and easy to integrate to your website. |
Svg Path Editor | A svg path editor made by Yann Armelin. |
Crontab Guru | A cron schedule editor |
Roadmap | Technoly roadmaps for you to become a X developer by the end of the year |
Name | Description |
React Native Game Engine | Game Library for React Native. |
React Game Kit | Game Library for React Native. |
Discord.js | Node.js Library to handle Discord API. |
FontAwesome | Easy integrated icons to your web page. |
Mongoose | MongoDB Node.js Driver |
Angular | Web Framework. |
Next.js | React Framework. |
Name | Description |
Unreal Engine | Game Engine. |
Unity | Game Engine. |
Deno | A secure runtime for Javascript and Typescript. |
Imba | A programming language made for web development which compiles to Javascript. |
Name | Price |
CS50 Harvard | FREE |
Name | Description |
Public API's | A list of public api's. |