HotelManagementSystem is a comprehensive Java-based application designed to manage hotel operations such as user authentication, guest management, and various administrative tasks. The application leverages MySQL for database management and JDBC for seamless database connectivity. This system is ideal for hotels looking to streamline their management processes and improve overall efficiency.
Module | Description | Module | Description |
Authentication | Handles user login, signup, password reset, and logout operations. | Guest Management | Manages guest registration and information. |
Database Connectivity | Establishes and manages the connection between the application and the MySQL database. | Admin Operations | Provides administrative functionalities. |
User Option Handling | Manages different options available to users (admin and customer). | Error Handling | Ensures stable application performance. |
Junction and Navigation | Controls navigation between different sections of the system. | Welcome and Greeting | Displays welcome messages and guides users. |
Main Menu | Provides the main interface for user interaction. | Logout | Safely logs out users from the system. |
The application features a command-line interface (CLI) that guides users through various options and operations, ensuring ease of use and accessibility for all users.
Here are some screenshots demonstrating the key functionalities of CalculatorApp:
Contributions are welcome! If you would like to contribute to CalculatorApp, please fork the repository, create a new branch, and submit a pull request. I encourage suggestions for new features, bug fixes, and general improvements.
Made with ❤️ by Manish Patel | Email Me | LinkedIn
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