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The multicloud-operators-subscription-release is composed of 2 controllers. The helmchartsubscription controller which is in charge of managing the helmchartsubscription CR. That CR defines the location of the charts (helmrepo or github) and filters to select a subset of charts to deploy. the helmchartsubscription controller will then create a number of helmreleases and these are managed by the helmrelease controller. The helmrelease controller will manage the helmrelease CR, download the chart from the helmrepo or github and then call the operator-sdk helm-operator methods to start the deployment of each chart.
The helmrelease controller can be use independently without the helmchartsubscription controller. The flag --helmchart-subscription-controller-disabled
can be used to disable the helmchartsubscription controller.
Check the CONTRIBUTING Doc for how to contribute to the repo.
Check the Development Doc for how to contribute to the repo.
Check the Deployment Doc for how to deploy the multicloud-operators-subscription-release in standalone mode.
Please refer to Trouble shooting documentation for further info.