- Brazil
A service which makes it easy possible to have recursive Angular directives.
A sample project using Spring WebFlux for SSE (Server Sent Events) and a VueJS client
Example project showing how to build a Spring Boot App providing a GUI with Vue.js
A curated list of grid(table) libraries and resources that developers may find useful.
Automated Integration Testing and Live Documentation for your API
The simple, stupid random Java beans/records generator
Application events with Spring
Fail your maven build if sonar detects issues with the code
Spring Security and Angular:: A tutorial on how to use Spring Security with a single page application with various backend architectures, ranging from a simple single server to an API gateway with …
A convenient Spring MVC exception handler for RESTful APIs.
Support for adding OAuth1(a) and OAuth2 features (consumer and provider) for Spring web applications.
A bunch of links to blog posts, articles, videos, etc for learning AngularJS
Simple table with sorting and filtering on AngularJS
Provides support to increase developer productivity in Java when using MongoDB. Uses familiar Spring concepts such as a template classes for core API usage and lightweight repository style data acc…