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StationXML Validation Rule List

timronan edited this page May 10, 2023 · 40 revisions

Rule Set Updated 05/2023

Enforces FDSN StationXML Schema Version 1.1 Compliance

Rules ID: Rule indexing that follows the StationXML hierarchical structure, organized by level

  • Level 100: Rules that apply to Network level
  • Level 200: Rules that apply to Station level
  • Level 300: Rules that apply to Channel level
  • Level 400: Rules that apply to Response level

Type: Categories of validation rules

  • Error: IF Error==False then document is invalid
  • Warning: IF Warning==TRUE then Return message and PASS else PASS

Restriction: Classes of StationXML that are not subject to specific validation rules

  • C1: State of Health Channel:Codes do not trigger rules containing C1 restrictions. Refer to the Restrictions page.
  • C2: Health, Flag and Maintenance Channel:Types do not trigger rules containing C2 restrictions
  • R1: InstrumentPolynomial Responses do not trigger rules containing R1 restrictions

Indices: (N AND M) > 1 AND (N > M)

EPOCH: Inclusive timespan between the Level:startDate and Level:endDate

PASS: Rule passes, validation continues until end of document

FAIL: Rule fails, validation continues until end of document, list of failure messages are returned, document is considered invalid

DICTIONARY: External reference, such as the units name list

[###] at end of rule descriptions denote rules that can concurrently trigger


Rule ID Rule Description Type Restrictions Test Case Fail Test Case Pass
Network Level Validation
Network Definition Errors
101 Network:Code must be assigned a string consisting of 1-2 uppercase A-Z and numeric 0-9 characters. Error F1_101 PASS
Network Time Errors
110 If Network:startDate is included then it must occur before Network:endDate if included.
IF Network:startDate is INCLUDED THEN Network:startDate < Network:endDate IF INCLUDED
Error F1_110, F2_110 PASS
111 Station:Epoch cannot be partly concurrent with any other Station:Epoch encompassed in parent Network:Epoch.
IF Network[N]:Station[N]:Code == Network[N]:Station[M]:Code AND Network[N]:Station[N]:Epoch INTERSECTS Network[N]:Station[M]:Epoch THEN FAIL
Error F1_111 PASS
112 Network:Epoch must encompass all subordinate Station:Epoch.
IF Network[N]:startDate > MIN(Network[N]:Station[1:LAST]:startDate) OR Network[N]:endDate < MAX (Network[N]:Station[1:LAST]:endDate) THEN FAIL
Error F1_112 PASS, P1_112
Station Level Validation
Station Definition Errors
201 Station:Code must be assigned a string consisting of 1-5 uppercase A-Z and numeric 0-9 characters. Error F1_201 PASS
Station Time Errors
210 Station:startDate must be included and must occur before Station:endDate if included.
Station:startDate must be INCLUDED AND < Station:endDate IF INCLUDED
Error F1_210, F2_210 PASS
211 Channel:Epoch cannot be partly concurrent with any other Channel:Epoch encompassed in parent Station:Epoch.
IF Station[N]:Channel[N]:Code == Station[N]:Channel[M]:Code AND Station[N]:Channel[N]:Epoch INTERSECTS Station[N]:Channel[M]:Epoch THEN FAIL
Error F1_211 PASS
212 Station:Epoch must encompass all subordinate Channel:Epoch.
IF Station[N]:startDate > MIN(Station[N]:Channel[1:LAST]:startDate) OR Station[N]:endDate < MAX(Station[N]:Channel[1:LAST]:endDate) THEN FAIL
Error F1_212 PASS
Station Position Errors
222 Station:Position must be within 1 km of all subordinate Channel:Position.
IF |Station[N]:Latitude, Station[N]:Longitude ∆ Station[N]:Channel[1:LAST]:Latitude, Station[N]:Channel[1:LAST]:Longitude| <= 1000m THEN FAIL
Warning C1, C2 F1_222 PASS
223 Station:Elevation must be within 1 km of all subordinate Channel:Elevation.
|Station[M]:Elevation ∆ Station[M]:Channel[1:LAST]:Elevation| <= 1000m
Warning C1, C2 F1_223 PASS
Channel level validation
Channel Definition Errors
301 Channel:Code must be assigned a string consisting of 3 uppercase A-Z and numeric 0-9 characters. Error F1_301 PASS
302 Channel:locationCode must be assigned a string consisting of 0-2 uppercase A-Z and numeric 0-9 characters OR 2 whitespace characters OR --. Error F1_302 PASS
303 If CalibrationUnits are included then CalibrationUnits:Name must be assigned a value from the IRIS StationXML Unit dictionary, case inconsistencies trigger warnings. Error F1_303 PASS
304 Channel:Sensor:Description must be included and assigned a string consisting of 1 <= case insensitive A-Z and numeric 0-9 characters. Warning F1_304 PASS
305 If Channel:SampleRate equals 0 or is not included then Response must not be included.
IF Channel:SampleRate == (0.0 OR IS NOT INCLUDED) THEN Response must NOT be INCLUDED
Warning F1_305, F2_305 PASS, P1_305
Channel Time Errors
310 Channel:startDate must be included and must occur before Channel:endDate if included.
Channel:startDate must be INCLUDED AND < Channel:endDate IF INCLUDED
Error F1_310, F2_310 PASS
320 If Channel:Code[2]==(H | L | M | N) THEN Channel:Azimuth and Channel:Dip must be included. Error C1, C2 F1_320 PASS
321 If Channel:Code[2] == (H | L | M | N) then Stage[1]:InputUnit must equal *m/s* AND Stage[Last]:OutputUnits must equal count* Warning C1, C2 F1_321 PASS
Channel Orientation Errors
332 If Channel:Code[LAST]==N then Channel:Azimuth must be assigned (>=355.0 or <=5.0) or (>=175.0 and <=185.0) and Channel:Dip must be assigned (>=-5 AND <=5.0). Warning C1, C2 F1_332 PASS, P1_332, P2_332, P3_332, P4_332
333 If Channel:Code[LAST]==E then Channel:Azimuth must be assigned (>=85.0 and <=95.0) or (>=265.0 and <=275.0) and Channel:Dip must be ASSIGNED (>=-5.0 and <=5.0). Warning C1, C2 F1_333 PASS, P1_332, P2_332, P3_332, P4_332
334 If Channel:Code[LAST]==Z then Channel:Azimuth must be assigned (>=355.0 or <=5.0) and Channel:Dip must be assigned (>=-85.0 and <=-90.0) or (>=85.0 and <=90.0). Warning C1, C2 F1_334 PASS, P1_332, P2_332, P3_332, P4_332
Response Level Validation
Response Stage Errors
401 Stage:number must start at 1 and be sequential.
Stage[1]:Number = 1 AND Stage[N]:number = N
Error C1, C2 F1_401 PASS
402 Stage[N]:InputUnits:Name and Stage[N]:OutputUnits:Name must be assigned a value from the IRIS StationXML Unit dictionary, case inconsistencies trigger warnings. Error, Warning C1, C2 F1_402 PASS
403 If length(Stage) > 1 then Stage[N]:InputUnits:Name must equal the previously assigned Stage[M]:OutputUnits:Name.
IF LENGTH(Stage) > 1 AND Stage[N]:InputUnits:Name != Stage[M]:OutputUnits:Name WHERE M < N THEN FAIL
Error C1, C2 F1_403, F2_403 PASS
404 If Stage[N]:PolesZeros:PzTransferFunctionType:Digital or Stage[N]:FIR or Stage[N]:Coefficients:CfTransferFunctionType:DIGITAL are included then Stage[N] must include Stage[N]:Decimation and Stage[N]:StageGain elements. Error C1, C2 F1_404, F2_404, F4_404 PASS, P1_404
405 Stage:ResponseList cannot be the only stage included in a response.
IF Stage[1] == Stage:ResponseList THEN LENGTH(Stage)>1 AND Stage[N] != Stage:ResponseList must be INCLUDED
Error C1, C2 F1_405 PASS, P1_405
ResponseType and StageGain Errors
410 If InstrumentSensitivity is included then InstrumentSensitivity:Value must be assigned a double > 0.0.
IF InstrumentSensitivity is INCLUDED THEN InstrumentSensitivity:Value must be INCLUDED AND ASSIGNED > 0.0
Error C1, C2, R1 F1_410, F2_410 PASS
411 If InstrumentSensitivity is included then InstrumentSensitivity:Frequency must be assigned a double < Channel:SampleRate/2 [Nyquist Frequency]. Warning C1, C2, R1 F1_411 PASS
412 InstrumentSensitivity:Value must equal the product of all StageGain:Value if all StageGain:Frequency are equal to InstrumentSensitivity:Frequency [Normalization Frequency].
IF InstrumentSensitivity is INCLUDED AND InstrumentSensitivity:Frequency == Stage[1:LAST]:StageGain:Frequency THEN InstrumentSensitivity:Value == PRODUCT(Stage[1:LAST]:StageGain:Value)
Error C1, C2, R1 F1_412 PASS, P1_412, P2_412
413 All Stages must include StageGain:Value assigned as a double > 0.0 and StageGain:Frequency assigned as a double.
Stage[1:N]:StageGain must be INCLUDED AND Stage[1:N]:StageGain:Value must be ASSIGNED a > 0.0 AND Stage[1:N]:StageGain:Frequency must be ASSIGNED a double
Error C1, C2, R1 F1_413 PASS
414 If Stage[N]:PolesZeros contains Zero:Real==0 and Zero:Imaginary==0 then InstrumentSensitivity:Frequency cannot equal 0 and Stage[N]:StageGain:Frequency cannot equal 0.
IF Stage[N]:PolesZeros is INCLUDED AND Stage[N]:PolesZeros:Zero[N]:Real == 0 AND Stage[N]:PolesZeros:Zero[N]:Imaginary == 0 THEN InstrumentSensitivity:Frequency cannot != 0 AND Stage[N]:StageGain:Frequency != 0
Error C1, C2, R1 F1_414, F2_414, F3_414 PASS, P1_414
415 If 1 or more Polynomial stages are included then the Response must also include an InstrumentPolynomial.
IF Stage[N]:Polynomial is INCLUDED THEN InstrumentPolynomial must be INCLUDED AND InstrumentSensitivity must be NOT INCLUDED
Error C1, C2 F1_415 PASS, P1_415, P2_415
416 Response must include InstrumentSensitivity if no Polynomial stages are included.
IF Stage[N]:Polynomial is NOT INCLUDED THEN InstrumentSensitivity must be INCLUDED
Error C1, C2 F1_416 PASS
Response Decimation Errors
420 A Response must contain at least one instance of Response:Stage:Decimation.
IF Response is INCLUDED THEN Response:Stage:Decimation must be INCLUDED
Warning C1, C2, R1 F1_420 PASS
421 Stage[LAST]:Decimation:InputSampleRate divided by Stage[LAST]:Decimation:Factor must equal Channel:SampleRate.
IF Stage[LAST]:Decimation:InputSampleRate/Stage[LAST]:Decimation:Factor != Channel:SampleRate THEN FAIL
Error C1, C2, R1 F1_421 PASS
422 Stage[N]:Decimation:InputSampleRate must equal the previously assigned Stage[M]:Decimation:InputSampleRate divided by Stage[M]:Decimation:Factor.
IF Stage[N]:Decimation:InputSampleRate != Stage[M]:Decimation:InputSampleRate/Stage[M]:Decimation:Factor WHERE M < N THEN FAIL
Error C1, C2, R1 F1_422 PASS
423 If Decimation and StageGain are included in Stage[N] then PolesZeros or Coefficients or ResponseList or FIR must also be included in Stage[N].
IF Stage[N]:Decimation and Stage[N]:StageGain are INCLUDED THEN Stage[N]:PolesZeros or Stage[N]:Coefficients or Stage[N]:ResponseList or Stage[N]:FIR must also be INCLUDED.
Error C1, C2, R1 F1_423 PASS