A tourism pass management solution.
Package jar (it also will run all tests) then execute it:
mvn clean package
cd target
java -jar leisurepass-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
http://localhost:8080/ will redirect you to swagger-api.html page, where you can find methods to work with app. The system allow customers to add, cancel, and renew a pass by next methods:
POST /leisure-service/customer/{customerId}/create
PUT /leisure-service/customer/{customerId}/cancel/{id}
PUT /leisure-service/customer/{customerId}/renew/{id}
The system allow vendors to verify if a pass is active by this method:
GET /leisure-service/vendor/{vendorId}/verify/{id}
Apllication can be started without prerequirments, it's achived by using h2 embedded data base Passes persist through an application restart by properties:
The solution covered by tests using SpringBoot test and JUnit5, it could be executed by:
mvn test
Pass ID is unique and it's achived by using UUID
To manage requests/responses added zalando.logbook
- Customer can cancel or renew only their passes
- Customer provide vendorId and startTime of the pass (timestamp in milleseconds) (could be provided by front-end or mobile app), and pass length also in milliseconds
- To disactivate pass it turn period of lenght to zero. Possible solution - just remove the row from database (it will be DELETE Http method)
- Pass isn't active if period of lenght + start time less tnen check time, or period of lenght is zero
- Pass Id generated as UUID
For production database it's more resonable to use Cassandra or MongoDB