pip install VerbalExpressions
from verbalexpressions import VerEx
verbal_expression = VerEx()
# Create an example of how to test for correctly formed URLs
verbal_expression = VerEx()
tester = verbal_expression. \
start_of_line(). \
find('http'). \
maybe('s'). \
find('://'). \
maybe('www.'). \
anything_but(' '). \
# Create an example URL
test_url = "https://www.google.com"
# Test if the URL is valid
if tester.match(test_url):
print "Valid URL"
#Print the generated regex
print tester.source() # => ^(http)(s)?(\:\/\/)(www\.)?([^\ ]*)$
#Create a test string
replace_me = "Replace bird with a duck"
#Create an expression that looks for the word "bird"
expression = VerEx().find('bird')
#Execute the expression in VerEx
result_VerEx = expression.replace(replace_me, 'duck')
print result_VerEx
#Or we can compile and use the regular expression using re
import re
regexp = expression.compile()
result_re = regexp.sub('duck', replace_me)
print result_re
result = VerEx().find('red').replace('We have a red house', 'blue')
print result
python setup.py develop
python setup.py test