An API that serves the latest scores of fixtures of matches in a “Mock Premier League”.
It is built on top of NodeJS, Express, Typegoose, mongoDB, Mongoose, Docker, Redis, and JsonWebToken. It is higly flexible because it provides the following features:
Admin accounts which are used to
- signup/login
- manage teams (add, remove, edit, view)
- create fixtures (add, remove, edit, view)
- Generate unique links for fixture
Users accounts who can
- signup/login
- view teams
- view completed fixtures
- view pending fixtures
- robustly search fixtures/teams
Only the search API should be availble to the public.
To obtain the postman documentation url
To obtain a copy of this app download or clone the repository at this url
To obtain the link to deployment on heroku url
You must have
- NodeJs Installed
- A browser Installed
- An Internet connection to download the dependencies.
- (If the repository wasn't cloned)Extract the contents of the downloaded zip file into any suitable location on the computer
- In the command prompt, cd to the root of the directory you extracted the app into
- Run 'npm install' to install all dependencies
- Run 'npm run start:dev' to start the application
- In a browser address bar navigate to
with your preferred PORT on env
- To start the docker containers on your terminal run
docker-compose up -d
- To execute tests, on your terminal run
npm run test
- NodeJs
- Express
- Typescript
- Mongodb(database)
- typegoose
- Deployed on Heroku