ionCore now a library instead of header-only. Some code from ionMath, move of ionFramework moved into Core.
Remainder of ionFramework moved to ionApplication
Lots of things now in ion:: namespace.
vec4 no longer templated by dimension.
Remove some unnecessary unsigned parts of the library.
ionGraphics: Textures now support border color wrap mode.
ionGraphics: Add min and max blend modes.
ionGraphics: IShaderProgram now IShader, IVertexShader etc. now IVertexStage.
HSV <--> RGB conversion.
Log messages now colored by channel (on windows).
Swizzle-style constructors for vec3 and vec4.
ionAnimation: Fix a few issues with Spline implmentation.
Now building with C++17.
ionScene: Improve geometry creator, fix a bug.
Improved clang compilation support.
Keyboard events now have modifier information.
ionApplication: Improvements to CameraController.
ionWindow: Add file drag/drop events.
ionGUI: More helpers and better support for ionEngine types.
ionGUI: Update to imgui 1.52 (and remove color picker, now provided by default).
Some general improvements to how GUI and input events are handled.
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