No existing issues.
- There is no existing issue for my request.
I do not know any document which describes which js-controller is required as minimum if one wants to use i.e. setState instead of setStateAsync (and all the other deprecated xxxAsync functions). The fact that some xxxAsync are not yet deprecated and not ready to be replaced by their non Async counterpart makes it more complicated to provide save code.
So please consider to provide the information which minimum js-controller version must be required by io-package.json dependency.
The info cpould be provided
- using change deprecation text at schema
- or as Information within js-controller changelog
It's not important to specify the exact version if js-controller 5 satisfies the requirement - but this should be stated with one sentence too.
Cirrently only set(Foreign)Object is documented to work starting with js.controlle 7.?.? as specified at js-controller Changelog
Dev must know what to specify as dependency otherwise Adapters could fail with difficult to diagnose erroes due to snchronisation fails at older js-.controller versions,
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