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Releases: int02h/manifest-guard


13 Dec 13:51
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BE CAREFUL! This is a major release. Breaking changes introduced. Please refer to README for a migration guide.

What's Changed

  • Now the plugin has both a default configuration and the ability to make a separate configuration for a particular build variant (#14)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.0.4...v1.0.0


30 Sep 08:17
Choose a tag to compare
  • More accurate fix for the problem that supposed to be fixed in v0.0.3 when tags have the same name and set of attributes.

Full Changelog: v0.0.3...v0.0.4


15 Sep 20:05
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What's new

  • Fix for the issue in the plugin which could not handle the case when in manifest there is more than one tag within the same parent with the same name and set of attributes. Like the following one:
<activity android:name=".MainActivity" android:exported="true">
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.SEND"/>
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
        <data android:mimeType="text/plain"/>
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"/>
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
        <data android:mimeType="image/*"/>

Full Changelog: v0.0.2...v0.0.3


16 Mar 21:55
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What's new

  • New flag compareOnAssemble in plugin settings that allows you to disable automatic manifest comparison on every project assembly
  • New task in format update${VARIANT_NAME}ReferenceManifest has been added which is aimed to update the current reference manifest in case manifest has been changed intentionally.

Full Changelog: v0.0.1...v0.0.2


03 Mar 20:40
Choose a tag to compare

First public release