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Add some stuff for chunking... Not sure if we'll use it
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unknownloner committed Jun 27, 2017
1 parent 165667d commit e8410ee
Showing 3 changed files with 65 additions and 12 deletions.
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions library/VaporTrail/Codec/Type.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,58 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module VaporTrail.Codec.Type
( Codec(..)
, toChunks
, fromChunks
, liftProcChunked
, liftCodecChunked
, lowerProcChunked
, lowerCodecChunked
) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Machine
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as Vector
import Data.Vector.Generic (Vector)

data Codec a b = Codec
{ codecEnc :: Process a b
, codecDec :: Process b a

toChunks :: Vector v a => Int -> Process a (v a)
toChunks n =
construct . forever $ do
xs <- replicateM n await
yield (Vector.fromListN n xs)

fromChunks :: Vector v a => Process (v a) a
fromChunks = construct . forever $ do
chunk <- await
Vector.forM_ chunk yield

-- | Lifts a process to operate on chunks. Less efficient than writing
-- it to work with chunks from the start. The second argument specifies
-- the size of the output chunks
liftProcChunked :: (Vector v0 a, Vector v1 b) => Process a b -> Int -> Process (v0 a) (v1 b)
liftProcChunked p n = toChunks n <~ p <~ fromChunks

-- | Lifts a codec to operate on chunks. Less efficient than writing
-- it to work with chunks from the start.
liftCodecChunked :: (Vector v0 a, Vector v1 b) => Codec a b -> Int -> Codec (v0 a) (v1 b)
liftCodecChunked codec n =
{ codecEnc = liftProcChunked (codecEnc codec) n
, codecDec = liftProcChunked (codecDec codec) n

-- | Lowers a process to work on individual elements. The second argument
-- specifies the size of chunks provided to the process
lowerProcChunked :: (Vector v0 a, Vector v1 b) => Process (v0 a) (v1 b) -> Int -> Process a b
lowerProcChunked p n = fromChunks <~ p <~ toChunks n

lowerCodecChunked :: (Vector v0 a, Vector v1 b) => Codec (v0 a) (v1 b) -> Int -> Codec a b
lowerCodecChunked codec n =
{ codecEnc = lowerProcChunked (codecEnc codec) n
, codecDec = lowerProcChunked (codecDec codec) n
30 changes: 18 additions & 12 deletions library/VaporTrail/Filter/SignalLock.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,27 +1,34 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Strict #-}
module VaporTrail.Filter.SignalLock (lockSignal) where

import VaporTrail.Filter.Fourier
import VaporTrail.Filter.Basic
import Data.Machine
import Control.Monad
import Data.Complex
import Data.Foldable
import Control.Category hiding ((.), id)

lockChunk :: Float -> Int -> Plan (Is Float) o ([Float], Float)

sigStrength :: Float -> Int -> [Float] -> Float
sigStrength hz sampleRate xs =
let bin = hz / (fromIntegral sampleRate / fromIntegral dftSize)
s = magnitude (goertzel bin dftSize xs)
a = foldl' (\acc x -> acc + abs x) 0 xs / fromIntegral dftSize
in (s * 2) / fromIntegral dftSize / a

lockChunk :: Category k => Float -> Int -> Plan (k Float) o ([Float], Float)
lockChunk hz sampleRate = do
c <- replicateM dftSize await
let bin = hz / (fromIntegral sampleRate / dftSizeF)
s = magnitude (goertzel bin dftSize c)
a = sum (map abs c) / dftSizeF
sigLevel = (s * 2) / dftSizeF / a
return (c, sigLevel)
return (c, sigStrength hz sampleRate c)

acquireSignal :: Float -> Int -> Plan (Is Float) o ()
acquireSignal :: Category k => Float -> Int -> Plan (k Float) o ()
acquireSignal hz sampleRate = do
(_, sigLevel) <- lockChunk hz sampleRate
when (sigLevel < 0.9) (acquireSignal hz sampleRate)

maintainLock :: Float -> Int -> Plan (Is Float) o [Float]
maintainLock :: Category k => Float -> Int -> Plan (k Float) o [Float]
maintainLock hz sampleRate = do
(chunk, sigLevel) <- lockChunk hz sampleRate
guard (sigLevel > 0.3)
@@ -31,21 +38,20 @@ lockedSignal :: Float -> Int -> Process Float Float
lockedSignal hz sampleRate =
construct $ do
acquireSignal hz sampleRate
forever $ do
chunk <- maintainLock hz sampleRate
mapM_ yield chunk

calcSignalNormalizer :: Plan (Is Float) Float (Float -> Float)
calcSignalNormalizer :: Category k => Plan (k Float) Float (Float -> Float)
calcSignalNormalizer = do
sample <- replicateM (10 * dftSize) await
let dco = sum sample / (dftSizeF * 10)
maxAmp = maximum (map (\x -> abs (x - dco)) sample)
maxAmp = foldl' (\prev x -> max prev (abs (x - dco))) 0 sample
normalize x = (x - dco) / maxAmp
mapM_ (yield . normalize) sample
return normalize

skipStartupNoise :: Plan (Is Float) o ()
skipStartupNoise :: Category k => Plan (k Float) o ()
skipStartupNoise = replicateM_ (10 * dftSize) await

normalizedSignal :: Process Float Float
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions package.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ library:
- bytestring
- split
- machines
- vector
source-dirs: library
license: GPLv2
maintainer: Author name here

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