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Load Balancer API

Load Balancer API implemented in GraphQL that provides a way to manage and control load balancers using GraphQL queries and mutations. Load Balancers are one subgraph of the Infratographer federated API. The GraphQL API provides an efficient and precise data retrieval for the related compenents that are external to Load Balancers subgraph, such as Tenants and Locations.

Load Balancer Components

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Load Balancers

Load Balancers are the top level component managed by the load balancer API. Load balancers are assigned to an owner (tenant).


Ports define the listening port of a load balancer. Ports share edges to load balancers and pools.


Pools are a collection of origins. Pools are own by an owner (tenant), and share an edge to ports. Pools can be assigned to multiple port and load balancer pairs.


Origins define a backend service IP and port. Origins belong to a pool. Origins can have a weight from 0 to 100, these weights are a relative to one another in a given pool. A wieght of 0 means the origin is disabled.

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