Summary of Bug
I was trying to execute a tx raw chan-open-init
transaction and I typed the wrong connection name, and the error message returned is not very helpful to the end user.
Branch: master
Commit: 1adb18d3d4c70239115bc5d98abeb8d114cf9c15
Steps to Reproduce
Type the wrong connection name (should be connection-201
not connections-201
hermes tx raw chan-open-init cosmoshub-4 irishub-1 connections-201 transfer tranfer -o UNORDERED
May 10 17:26:27.544 INFO ibc_relayer_cli::commands: Using default configuration from: '.hermes/config.toml'
May 10 17:26:27.606 INFO ibc_relayer::event::monitor: starting event monitor
May 10 17:26:27.662 INFO ibc_relayer::event::monitor: starting event monitor
Error: Query error occurred (failed to finish query for connection connections-201): error converting message type into domain type: ConnectionEnd domain object could not be constructed out of empty proto object
The error message returned shows a message about converting into domain type which from a UX perspective is not helpful to the end user. A simpler message saying that the connection cannot be found would be more appropriate.
I have tested with another tx raw (chain-open-try) command and the same error happens.
Acceptance Criteria
Shows a better error message for this use case.
For Admin Use
- Not duplicate issue
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