Summary of Bug
Gas simulation fails on legacy chains such as emoney-3.
This should be considered a recoverable error but is currently being propagated:
2024-01-18T08:02:46.221970Z ERROR ThreadId(36) spawn:chain{chain=osmosis-1}:client{client=07-tendermint-1447}:connection{connection=connection-1132}:channel{channel=channel-37}:worker.packet.cmd{src_chain=osmosis-1 src_port=transfer src_channel=channel-37 dst_chain=emoney-3}:relay{odata=cleared/41adfd54 ->Destination @1-13319499; len=1}:send_messages_and_wait_check_tx{chain=emoney-3 tracking_id=cleared/41adfd54}:send_tx_with_account_sequence_retry{chain=emoney-3 account.sequence=12}:estimate_gas: failed to simulate tx. propagating error to caller: gRPC call `send_tx_simulate` failed with status: status: InvalidArgument, message: "rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = invalid empty tx: invalid request", details: [], metadata: MetadataMap { headers: {"content-type": "application/grpc"} }
Will be providing a PR to address this shortly.
Steps to Reproduce
Run hermes against a legacy chain such as emoney-3.
Acceptance Criteria
Ignore the error and use the configurable gas settings.
For Admin Use
- Not duplicate issue
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