Make sense of free text with overlays.
Install overlay_parse
pip install overlay_parse
python install
As a small demo on how you well you can parse dates:
>>> from overlay_parse import date
>>> dates.just_dates("I shall come on July the 17th 1991")
[(17, 7, 1991)]
>>> dates.just_dates("I shall 30th of september 2006")
[(30, 9, 2006)]
>>> dates.just_dates("I shall 30th of september 2006, timestamp: 19071991, 18.7.1991")
[(19, 7, 1991), (18, 7, 1991), (30, 9, 2006)]
You can also parse date ranges with
>>> dates.just_ranges("I will be here from 30th of september 2006-2007")
[((30, 9, 2006), (0, 0, 2007))]
>>> dates.just_ranges("I will be here from 30th of september 2006 to 18.7.2007")
[((30, 9, 2006), (18, 7, 2007))]
>>> dates.just_ranges("200 BC - 300 AD")
[((0, 0, -200), (0, 0, 300))]
Install development requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Tests can then be run with:
Lint the project with:
flake8 overlay_parse tests
Generate the documentation with:
cd docs && PYTHONPATH=.. make singlehtml
To monitor changes to Python files and execute flake8 and nosetests automatically, execute the following from the root project directory: