I got the following error when I run telegraf with snmp filter
telegraf -config telegraf_snmp2.conf
2016/09/30 16:43:30 Starting Telegraf (version 1.0.0-beta3-136-gca8e512)
2016/09/30 16:43:30 Loaded outputs: influxdb
2016/09/30 16:43:30 Loaded inputs: snmp
2016/09/30 16:43:30 Tags enabled: host=dragonxtek
2016/09/30 16:43:30 Agent Config: Interval:10s, Debug:false, Quiet:false, Hostname:"dragonxtek", Flush Interval:10s
2016/09/30 16:43:40 ERROR in input [snmp]: agent performing get: marshal: Unable to parse OID: strconv.ParseInt: parsing "iso": invalid syntax
2016/09/30 16:43:42 Hang on, flushing any cached metrics before shutdown
2016/09/30 16:43:42 Output [influxdb] buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics. Total gathered metrics: 0. Total dropped metrics: 0.
I used the same configuration on
I running it over:
Ubuntu 16.04
Telegraf v1.0.0-beta3-136-gca8e512
The new database was created but without information
How can I fix it?