Problems with outputs.sql.convert using clickhouse driver #13368
Closed as not planned
Relevant telegraf.conf
driver = "clickhouse"
data_source_name = "tcp://MY_IP:9000?username=user&password=pass&database=database"
table_template = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {TABLE}({COLUMNS}) ENGINE = MergeTree() PRIMARY KEY (timestamp,host) ORDER by (timestamp,host) Partition by toYYYYMMDD(timestamp)"
table_exists_template = "SELECT 1 FROM {TABLE} LIMIT 1"
integer = "Int64"
real = "Float64"
text = "String"
timestamp = "DateTime"
defaultvalue = "String"
unsigned = "UInt64"
bool = "UInt8"
Logs from Telegraf
[agent] Error writing to outputs.sql: code: 62, message: Syntax error: failed at position 133 ('UInt64'): UInt64,"err_out" Int64 UInt64,"drop_in" Int64 UInt64,"drop_out" Int64 UInt64,"bytes_sent" Int64 UInt64,"bytes_recv" Int64 UInt64,"packets_sent" Int64 UInt64,"pa. Expected one of: COLLATE, NOT, NULL, DEFAULT, MATERIALIZED, ALIAS, EPHEMERAL, AUTO_INCREMENT, COMMENT, CODEC, TTL, token, Comma, ClosingRoundBracket
System info
Telegraf version - 1.26.3, Clickhouse version -
Steps to reproduce
- Start collecting metrics with Telegraf;
- Telegraf fails to send metrics with the error above.
Expected behavior
Telegraf creates Database Tables automatically and sends metrics.
Actual behavior
Telegraf fails with error above.
Additional info
Seems to be the same problem that was couple of years back - #10671, #10673