influxdb & grafana, absence of data on the graphs #8050
System info:
OS: CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core)
influxdb: influxdb-1.2.0-1.x86_64 (https acccess)
grafana: grafana-4.1.2-1486989747.x86_64
Steps to reproduce:
I faced the problem, that grafana shows always "InfluxDB Error: undefined" after influxdb works for awhile.
Here is how it is presented, you can see exclamation mark on the upper left side with error (InfluxDB Error: undefined).
Waited ~2 seconds and clicked on refresh
So after clicking refresh some graphs show data and some not.
The InfluxQL queries are registered in logs without errors.
But in grafana logs some queries have response code 200 and some have 502, when queries are proxied via grafana.
Additional info:
If I only open one graph, then response is always successful.
Moreover the problem disappears after influxdb restarted and then appears after 5-10 minutes again.
my config is here
What can be a cause of such inconsistent behavior?