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Hi there,
this is for all the contributors, community members, etc. out there.
I hope it's alright, to compose a little longer Feature Request / Buglist.
First of all, I would like to thank you for all your hard work.
You are appreciated and hope/wish you all the best for your private lifes as well!
We know you are busy and have many things to do/answer/read/etc.
This is really hard work.
I love that Ragflow brings many nationalities, languages and characters together
because it works with so many languages which was a surprise to me.
As a German it is difficult to get good German language output from LLMs.
Suprisngly, not the west but the east (Asia?), offers better German output than llama, etc.
I came across glm4 which is fantastic for German output.
Anyway, I came across Ragflow and was astounded, by how easy it was to deploy and set this up.
But I was even more astounded about the backend mechanisms and I haven't even looked at Graph, tbh.
In short: This framework has strong potential and is exactly what I (and others) wanted/needed and it's easy to use.
So thank you and keep it up!
The project has a few hiccups here and there but it surely works fantastic and is also well documented.
There might be some duplicates in my list and I apologize, that I haven't looked for already other existing open requests/issues.
My feature requests:
OpenAI compatible server API
Many would instantly embedd Ragflow in their systems which would spread across businesses
and gains more recognition. It would be also nice to pack everything into a "virtual" simple LLM.
E.g. I would like to easily embeed a Ragflow Agent or Assistant (without the conditions like upload/options, etc.)
and just use it as a simple model which has the power of a configured Ragflow in the back. -
OCRing with visual models
Some visual models are doing fantastic in OCRing images and extracting content in tabular data style etc.
This can help developers, to experiment easier with visual models and also use the generated content for searching. -
Agent (deploying)
I had a brief look into the Graph and AI agent framework. It's awesome.
It would be awesome to get like shareable links to the agents.
The conditions for input(s) make it great for workflow distribution to contribute to the datasets.
So others can login with credentials and pick a dataset, upload a file or files, etc. -
More language support
Ragflow works/supports suprisingly well with German documents and many other languages and charts!
When I use question/answer additionally, it sometimes creates "english" questions.
Also, the OCR results misses "Sonderzeichen/Umlaute" like "ä", "ü".
Sometimes you can edit prompts like in RAPTOR and stuff, which is good.
But prompts for question/answer is missing or OCR language settings (e.g. if tesseract/tika is used)
So I think there is room, to make this of worldwide/global interest. -
Add function calling, etc.
I am not sure about the agents and GRAPH but it would be awesome to sort of function calling.
There could be actions like HTTP Requests or even shell commands.
Synchronous and asynchronous, etc. -
Add another upload API to file management (not just datasets)
- Add Conversation/Memory functionality
It would be nice to somehow use conversations workflows to store memories, etc.
These are my main features, I'd like to see in the future. So thanks in advance for considering :)
I have a few bugs/suggestions as well:
Dark Mode is not working/applying
Docker and documentation
I have looked for ragflow and automatically got to the DEV documentation/images.
This is why I might had some issues. I used the v0.14.1 image but in settings it still shows v0.14.0
I also thought, that the dev image is always populated with the latest commit changes but somehow it isnt?!
Maybe I got stuff got mixed up but I am not sure which image to use and how to update.
So the docker documentations can be improved, I think. -
I am also trying to setup infinity but I had no luck. (won't apply chunks to infinity somehow)
In the docs, it is mentioned that its not supported in Linux_X64?! -
Chunk edit window
Something weird is going on with the chunk edit window not retrieving the chunks.
I can't tell for sure whats going on but this might also be an issue with version migration stuff.
Otherwise guys, this is the real deal you made here and I am thankful for your
hard work and dedication to bring the world closer (by multi language support)!
Thank you for reading and considering any idea/suggestion.