Port of (link) to Ruby for fun and understanding
- Print Banner
- Init a Ledger
- Choose a Reporter
- Create Game w/ Ledger, Reporter
- Game.start
- Report
- Make a Food Manager (Chef)
- Update Ledger / End check
- Make a Real Estate Manager
- Update Ledger / End check
- War with king? (I think)
- Make a Farm Manager
- Update Ledger
- War check again?
- Process Disease Stuff
- Increment Year
- Retirement check
- Goto 6
- Why did we break?
- Calculates rate of land for transaction
- Max of 4, Math.Floor(2 * crop_yield_rate + RAND(SOMETHING, SOMETHING) - 5)
- Ask how much to buy at that rate?
- reject if not enough grain to buy and try again
- save land to buy
- Available land to sell = land_q(1) + land_q(2) + land_q(3)
- 3 times
- Drop transaction rate by 1
- Ask how much to sell
- ensure it's <= available
- if land_to_sell * rate >= 4000
- try again
- else done
- if 3 times and no sold, "buyers have lost interest"
- Settle land sales
- check 100 / 80 / 60 land
- sell from 60 first, then, 80, then 100
- MajorDomo needs to check if land has dropped below 10 for game_over?
- King punishment for selling too low
- If you sold some AND you sold for < 4
- Deduct grain: amount sold/2.floor
- Should update ledger to manage land in the quality buckets
- Buy: goes into 60 bucket
- Sell: sell from 100, then 80, then 60
- Who does this math? Ledger or LandMinister?
- Ledger land totals should sum the buckets
- if king == -2 (sentiment?)
- if ((8 * (grain/100) + peasants) > 2399) Then
- WIN => game over
- Else
- LOSS => game over
- How much land to plant?
- Must be positive
- Must be less than available land
- Must be greater than 4 * peasants
- seeding = (twice input) must be <= amount of grain available
- Subtract seeding from available grain
- crop_yield = input
- allocate crops
- rotate crops
- calculate yield
- seven year locusts
- rat losses
x Fields
at_100, at_80, at_60, at_40, at_20, at_0 x Ledger has a Fields x DetailReporter shows land %'s x Stitch together game with report each year
The game can sort of be playable...until out of grain
LandMinister buys land
- Buy should put land in the right field
LandMinister sells land
- Sell should take from the correct fields
Add LandMinister to game
MajorDomo looks for King's grumpiness on sale
WarMinister for war with King
AgriculturalMinister queries grain to be planted
AgriculturalMinister plants land
AgriculturalMinister calculates harvest
- Includes check for 7-year locusts
AgriculturalMinister rotates crops
Add AgriculturalMinister to game
MajorDomo determines if it is a "havoc year" for
- Asks ArgiculturalMinister re: rat losses
MajorDomo determines King's Levy
- Note that it's EITHER Peasants OR Grain
WarMinister for war with another Duke
MajorDomo tracks King's sentiment?
King's sentiment used in age of retirement
Improve Reporting
- Move ERB to files
- Right justify number output
- Add negatives or parens to subtraction amounts? Or move to storing negatives?
def allocate(list, amount)
list.each_with_object([]) do |item, collection|
x = [amount, item].min
collection << item - x
amount -= max(amount - x, 0)
grain = 10000
crop_yield = 0
puts('Land to be planted = ')
farmed = gets
seeding = farmed * 2 # it takes two hl of grain to plant 1 ha of land
grain -= seeding
sown = allocate(land, farmed) # land, high-to-low, how much farmed
fallow = land.zip(sown).collect {|a| a.first - a.last } # land, high-to-low, amount less farmed
# Crop gains - yield starts with a random number
crop_yield = distributions.random(2) + 9
if (year % 7) == 0
# Field grain is eaten by seven year locusts. They eat half of all your crop
# in the years that they appear.
puts 'Seven year locusts.'
crop_yield = round(crop_yield * 0.65) # Hmm, not really half...
weighted = sown[0..4].each_with_index { |field, i| field * 1.0 - (0.2 * i) }.sum
crop_yield = if farmed == 0
round(crop_yield * (weighted / farmed) * 100) / 100
puts("Yield = #{crop_yield} HL/HA.")
# save to ledger
# sown land reduces quality for next year
sown.unshift(0) # 100 gets depleted; each section gets demoted
sown[5] = sown[5..6].sum # 0% land gets sum of 20 + 0%
sown.pop # don't need extra element
# fallow land improves for next year
nutrition = []
nutrition << fallow[0..2].sum # promote unused 100/80/60 to 100
nutrition += fallow[3..5] # 80 = 40, 60 = 20, 40 = 0%
nutrition += [0, 0] # 20 = 0, 0% = 0
# add depletion + nutrition
land.each_with_index do |field, i|
field = sown[i] + nutrition[i]
new_land = sown.zip(nutrition).collect{|a| a.sum }
# Alternate
farmed_land = gets
ledger.seeding = farmed_land * 2
ledger.fields.plant(farmed_land) # plant & rotate
ledger.crop_yield_rate = ledger.fields.harvest(locusts?)
ledger.crop_yield = ledger.crop_yield_rate * farmed_land