LLP108(IoT) CW
Panache is an AI powered gesture-machine interface. It's enabled by 3 components:
- iOS app
- accelerometer sensor (TI SensorTag)
- cloud based machine learning model
The iOS app samples data from the acceleromenter in rate of 10Hz, which is directed to the cloud-based machine learning model for prepocessing and classification. Using the Fourier transform, the data is firstly transformed into a frequency based domain, where the pre-trained binary SVM model performs classification of the performed gestures. The classification accuracy of the model is ~87% based on only 400 training samples. Finally, the iOS app pulls the classification result as an http request and forwards a command to the wearable device (TI Sensortag) to light up a corresponding LED based on the performed gesture (green for 'accept'/ red for 'decline').
The project simulates a wearable device such as smartwatch enabling binary command interface with a connected device.
- TI SensorTag CC2650STK - Official documentation
- iOS device version 9.0 or higher
- iOS app
- BLE interface (sensor config, advertising, reading etc.) > Cordova BLE
- Node.js & Cordova
- HTTP client > Axios
- Deployed on cloud using Flask & Heroku
- Gesture recognition/classification