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Bird v2 support (redux)

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@barryo barryo released this 04 Apr 13:03
· 27 commits to master since this release

Bird's Eye v1.2.1 adds support for Bird v2.0.

Due to supporting both IPv4 and IPv6 (as well as additional SAFIs), Bird v2 has changed the output format of some commands. This release updates the regular expressions we use to support those changes.

Important Bird Configuration Changes

Before version v1.2.0, Bird's Eye used the default timeformat settings in Bird.

From v1.2.0 onwards, Bird's Eye expects timestamps to be presented in ISO 8601 format. This needs to be configured in the BIRD configuration file using the following statements:

# Use ISO 8601 time formats:
timeformat base         iso long;
timeformat log          iso long;
timeformat protocol     iso long;
timeformat route        iso long;

Birds Eye will not work without these configuration settings.

New API Commands

We have added the following API endpoints:

  • api/route/{net}/export/{protocol} to find routes exported by a protocol.
  • api/routes/lc-zwild/protocol/{protocol}/{x}/{y} to do a wild card large communitity lookup in protocol tables of the form x:y:*.

Both these new APIs and Bird v2 support have been added to provide new features in IXP Manager v5 which will be released during April 2019.