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Allow whitelisted IPs to avoid the cache

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@barryo barryo released this 28 Nov 14:14
· 87 commits to master since this release

Caching was implemented to provide a natural rate-limiting mechanism for security and to reduce the load on Bird.

In environments where you already have security in place (e.g. authenticated users on IXP Manager), you may want to disable caching for those requests. You can whitelist a set of IP addresses for this purpose by:

cp skipcache_ips.php.dist skipcache_ips.php

and then editing skipcache_ips.php to add your (for example) IXP Manager server's IP address.

If you then tag ?use_cache=0 to API requests, the cache will be avoided. Note that the results from Bird will still be added to the cache so standard requests will still benefit with the freshest data.