Full Buxfer API library implementation in PHP.
Uses Guzzle HTTP client with cURL for HTTPS requests to Buxfer. Note: Using the API requires a valid Buxfer.com account.
See https://www.buxfer.com/help/api for full API description.
Allowed API actions:
- login($username, $password) - login using Buxfer.com credentials, mandatory for all other API actions
- listAccounts() - returns an array with all accounts information
- listLoans() - returns an array with all loans
- listTags() - returns an array with all tags
- listBudgets() - returns an array with all budgets
- listReminders() - returns an array with all reminders
- listGroups() - returns an array with all groups
- listContacts() - returns an array with all groups
- uploadStatement($statement) - upload a statement
- listTransactions($filters) - returns an array with transactions based on the filters: accountId OR accountName, tagId OR tagName, startDate AND endDate OR month, budgetId OR budgetName, contactId OR contactName, groupId OR groupName
- addTransaction($transaction) - add a new transaction - see full API description of available parameters (add_transaction)
Other useful methods:
- public function __construct(Array $config = array(), HttpClient $httpClient = null) - constructor, can receive the configuration parameters (merged with current config), HttpClient object (extended from GuzzleHttpClient)
- getLastDuration() - get the duration of last request (float)
- getToken() - get the token received after login
- getConfig() - get configuration array
- setConfig($config) - set configuration array (merged with current config)
In case of error a new \BuxferApi\Exception is thrown.
Default configuration used - any parameter can be overwritten using constructor parameter or setConfig():
protected $_config = array(
'user_agent' => 'PHP BuxferApi ' . self::VERSION,
'timeout' => 10,
'handler' => null,
$config = array(
'buxfer_username' => 'testuser@testaccount.com',
'buxfer_password' => 'testpassword',
'buxfer_accountId' => '1000000',
$buxferApi = new \BuxferApi\Client($buxferConfig);
$buxferApi->login($config['buxfer_username'], $config['buxfer_password']);
// list existing transactions
$transactions = $buxferApi->listTransactions($config['buxfer_accountId']);
// add new transaction
$newTransaction = array(
'accountId' => $config['buxfer_accountId'],
'date' => '2020-02-11 10:20:00',
'type' => 'expense',
'amount' => '10.20',
'description' => 'Test transaction',
'tags' => 'mytag1,mytag2'