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A Parcel 2 plugin to load markdown file with YAML Front matter. It uses Marked to render markdown.


Install the plugin

npm install parcel-transformer-markdown-front-matter --save-dev

Add parcel-transformer-markdown-front-matter transformer to the .parcelrc

  "extends": "@parcel/config-default",
  "transformers": {
    "*.md": [ "parcel-transformer-markdown-front-matter" ]

title: My title

# Markdown content

Output HTML string

Import your markdown file, and get the HTML content and the yaml front matter properties.

import file from './';

console.log(file.__content) // => Output HTML string.
console.log(file.title) // output title property
document.body.innerHTML = file.__content;

Output Markdown string

// .markedrc
  "marked": false
import file from './';

console.log(file.__content) // => Output Markdown string.
document.body.innerHTML = file.__content;


Marked can be configured using a .markedrc, .markedrc.js, or marked.config.js file. See the Marked API Reference for details on the available options.

Note: .markedrc.js and marked.config.js are supported for JavaScript-based configuration, but should be avoided when possible because they reduce the effectiveness of Parcel's caching. Use a JSON based configuration format (e.g. .markedrc) instead.

There is a marked configuration that converts markdown to HTML. Otherwise just read the markdown string.

  "marked": {
    "breaks": true,
    "pedantic": false,
    "gfm": true

Marked extensions

To use marked extensions, you must use a javascript configuration file. Install your extensions and instanciate in the configuration.

/// .markedrc.js
const { gfmHeadingId } = require('marked-gfm-heading-id');

module.exports = {
 extensions: [gfmHeadingId({ prefix: 'test-' })],



© 2024 François de Metz

© 2022 Kenny Wong