A better way to start building premium WordPress themes.
Based on _S
I love _s starter theme by automattic. It's perfect when you need to build a new theme from scratch. Still I found myself repeating few steps everytime I begin a new project. So I kept the base functionality almost as it is and added some common features like support for custom logo. In fututure I intend to add more common functionality on top of _s theme.
Uses WPGulp Workflow
Ahmad Awais has put together a great workflow for using Gulp with WordPress. I have tried to take it a step further by integrating it with _s theme to get even faster start.
Please remember to update your project name and URL in gulpfile.js
Uses Susy for layouts ( Not depending on bootstrap )
Bootstrap is great when you need to create quick layouts based on a responsive grid. But, I needed something flexible for this theme so that I don't have to modify the HTML markup each time I need a different layout. Susy solves this problem and it helps in so many other ways.
Custom WordPress templates to start with
Coming soon ..
I am building this starter theme to speed up building new themes. I see this project as a reusable theme which provides all the basic stuff and allows to add custom features and functionality according to project requirements. This is my first open source project, so kindly help me by suggesting any improvements I can make in any department.