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[java/cs] get_overloads should return last version of overload, not f…
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waneck committed May 23, 2013
1 parent 894788c commit 425f947
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Showing 4 changed files with 61 additions and 67 deletions.
78 changes: 37 additions & 41 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -1208,7 +1208,7 @@ let mk_class m path pos =

type tfield_access =
| FClassField of tclass * tparams * tclass (* declared class *) * tclass_field * bool (* is static? *) * t (* the actual cf type, in relation to the class type params *)
| FClassField of tclass * tparams * tclass (* declared class *) * tclass_field * bool (* is static? *) * t (* the actual cf type, in relation to the class type params *) * t (* declared type *)
| FEnumField of tenum * tenum_field * bool (* is parameterized enum ? *)
| FAnonField of tclass_field
| FDynamicField of t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ let field_access gen (t:t) (field:string) : (tfield_access) =
let not_found () =
let cf = PMap.find field gen.gbase_class_fields in
FClassField (orig_cl, orig_params, gen.gclasses.cl_dyn, cf, false, cf.cf_type)
FClassField (orig_cl, orig_params, gen.gclasses.cl_dyn, cf, false, cf.cf_type, cf.cf_type)
| Not_found -> not_found cl params
Expand All @@ -1305,37 +1305,37 @@ let field_access gen (t:t) (field:string) : (tfield_access) =
(match types with
| None -> not_found()
| Some (cf, actual_t, _, declared_cl) ->
FClassField(orig_cl, orig_params, declared_cl, cf, false, actual_t))
| Some (cf, actual_t, declared_t, declared_cl) ->
FClassField(orig_cl, orig_params, declared_cl, cf, false, actual_t, declared_t))
| TEnum _ | TAbstract _ ->
(* enums have no field *) FNotFound
| TAnon anon ->
(try match !(anon.a_status) with
| Statics cl ->
let cf = PMap.find field cl.cl_statics in
FClassField(cl, (fun _ -> t_dynamic) cl.cl_types, cl, cf, true, cf.cf_type)
FClassField(cl, (fun _ -> t_dynamic) cl.cl_types, cl, cf, true, cf.cf_type, cf.cf_type)
| EnumStatics e ->
let f = PMap.find field e.e_constrs in
let is_param = match follow f.ef_type with | TFun _ -> true | _ -> false in
FEnumField(e, f, is_param)
| _ when PMap.mem field gen.gbase_class_fields ->
let cf = PMap.find field gen.gbase_class_fields in
FClassField(gen.gclasses.cl_dyn, [t_dynamic], gen.gclasses.cl_dyn, cf, false, cf.cf_type)
FClassField(gen.gclasses.cl_dyn, [t_dynamic], gen.gclasses.cl_dyn, cf, false, cf.cf_type, cf.cf_type)
| _ ->
FAnonField(PMap.find field anon.a_fields)
with | Not_found -> FNotFound)
| _ when PMap.mem field gen.gbase_class_fields ->
let cf = PMap.find field gen.gbase_class_fields in
FClassField(gen.gclasses.cl_dyn, [t_dynamic], gen.gclasses.cl_dyn, cf, false, cf.cf_type)
FClassField(gen.gclasses.cl_dyn, [t_dynamic], gen.gclasses.cl_dyn, cf, false, cf.cf_type, cf.cf_type)
| TDynamic t -> FDynamicField t
| TMono _ -> FDynamicField t_dynamic
| _ -> FNotFound

let mk_field_access gen expr field pos =
match field_access gen expr.etype field with
| FClassField(c,p,dc,cf,false,at) ->
| FClassField(c,p,dc,cf,false,at,_) ->
{ eexpr = TField(expr, FInstance(dc,cf)); etype = apply_params c.cl_types p at; epos = pos }
| FClassField(c,p,dc,cf,true,at) ->
| FClassField(c,p,dc,cf,true,at,_) ->
{ eexpr = TField(expr, FStatic(dc,cf)); etype = at; epos = pos }
| FAnonField cf ->
{ eexpr = TField(expr, FAnon cf); etype = cf.cf_type; epos = pos }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2279,7 +2279,7 @@ struct
| TField(({ eexpr = TTypeExpr _ } as tf), f) ->
(match field_access gen tf.etype (field_name f) with
| FClassField(_,_,_,cf,_,_) ->
| FClassField(_,_,_,cf,_,_,_) ->
(match cf.cf_kind with
| Method(MethDynamic)
| Var _ ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2396,7 +2396,7 @@ struct
change_expr e (run fexpr) (field_name f) (Some (run evalue)) true
| TBinop(OpAssign, { eexpr = TField(fexpr, f) }, evalue) ->
(match field_access gen fexpr.etype (field_name f) with
| FClassField(_,_,_,cf,false,t) when (try PMap.find cf.cf_name gen.gbase_class_fields == cf with Not_found -> false) ->
| FClassField(_,_,_,cf,false,t,_) when (try PMap.find cf.cf_name gen.gbase_class_fields == cf with Not_found -> false) ->
change_expr e (run fexpr) (field_name f) (Some (run evalue)) true
| _ -> Type.map_expr run e
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2749,7 +2749,7 @@ struct
(* check to see if called field is known and if it is a MethNormal (only MethNormal fields can be called directly) *)
let name = field_name f in
(match field_access gen (gen.greal_type ecl.etype) name with
| FClassField(_,_,_,cf,_,_) ->
| FClassField(_,_,_,cf,_,_,_) ->
(match cf.cf_kind with
| Method MethNormal
| Method MethInline ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5211,7 +5211,7 @@ struct
| TBinop ( (Ast.OpAssign as op),({ eexpr = TField(tf, f) } as e1), e2 )
| TBinop ( (Ast.OpAssignOp _ as op),({ eexpr = TField(tf, f) } as e1), e2 ) ->
(match field_access gen (gen.greal_type tf.etype) (field_name f) with
| FClassField(cl,params,_,_,is_static,actual_t) ->
| FClassField(cl,params,_,_,is_static,actual_t,_) ->
let actual_t = if is_static then actual_t else apply_params cl.cl_types params actual_t in
let e1 = extract_expr (run e1) in
{ e with eexpr = TBinop(op, e1, handle (run e2) actual_t e2.etype); etype = e1.etype }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5727,7 +5727,7 @@ struct
let real_type = gen.greal_type ef.etype in
(* this part was rewritten at roughly r6477 in order to correctly support overloads *)
(match field_access gen real_type (field_name f) with
| FClassField (cl, params, _, cf, is_static, actual_t) when e <> None && (cf.cf_kind = Method MethNormal || cf.cf_kind = Method MethInline) ->
| FClassField (cl, params, _, cf, is_static, actual_t, declared_t) when e <> None && (cf.cf_kind = Method MethNormal || cf.cf_kind = Method MethInline) ->
(* C# target changes params with a real_type function *)
let params = match follow clean_ef.etype with
| TInst(_,params) -> params
Expand All @@ -5738,13 +5738,7 @@ struct
let cf, actual_t, error = match is_overload with
| false ->
(* since actual_t from FClassField already applies greal_type, we're using the get_overloads helper to get this info *)
let overloads = Typeload.get_overloads cl (field_name f) in
(match overloads with
| [] -> cf, cf.cf_type, false
| _ -> try
let t, cf = List.find (fun (t,f) -> f == cf) overloads in
with | Not_found -> cf,actual_t,true)
| true ->
let (cf, actual_t, error), is_static = match f with
| FInstance(c,cf) | FClosure(Some c,cf) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5827,11 +5821,11 @@ struct
let new_ecall = if fparams <> [] then gen.gparam_func_call new_ecall { e1 with eexpr = TField(!ef, f) } fparams elist else new_ecall in
handle_cast gen new_ecall (gen.greal_type ecall.etype) (gen.greal_type ret_ft)
| FClassField (cl,params,_,{ cf_kind = (Method MethDynamic | Var _) },_,actual_t) ->
| FClassField (cl,params,_,{ cf_kind = (Method MethDynamic | Var _) },_,actual_t,_) ->
(* if it's a var, we will just try to apply the class parameters that have been changed with greal_type_param *)
let t = apply_params cl.cl_types (gen.greal_type_param (TClassDecl cl) params) (gen.greal_type actual_t) in
return_var (handle_cast gen { e1 with eexpr = TField(ef, f) } (gen.greal_type e1.etype) (gen.greal_type t))
| FClassField (cl,params,_,cf,_,actual_t) ->
| FClassField (cl,params,_,cf,_,actual_t,_) ->
return_var (handle_cast gen { e1 with eexpr = TField({ ef with etype = t_dynamic }, f) } e1.etype t_dynamic) (* force dynamic and cast back to needed type *)
| FEnumField (en, efield, true) ->
let ecall = match e with | None -> trace (field_name f); trace efield.ef_name; gen.gcon.error "This field should be called immediately" ef.epos; assert false | Some ecall -> ecall in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -10017,23 +10011,24 @@ struct
let real_ftype = get_real_fun gen (apply_params iface.cl_types real_itl f.cf_type) in
replace_mono real_ftype;
let overloads = Typeload.get_overloads c f.cf_name in
(* if we find a function with the exact type of real_ftype, it means this interface has already been taken care of *)
if not (List.exists (fun (t,f2) -> replace_mono t; type_iseq (get_real_fun gen (apply_params f2.cf_params ( snd f.cf_params) t)) real_ftype) overloads) then
let t2, f2 =
match overloads with
| (_, cf) :: _ when Meta.has Meta.Overload cf.cf_meta -> (* overloaded function *)
(* try to find exact function *)
List.find (fun (t,f2) ->
Typeload.same_overload_args ftype t f f2
) overloads
| _ :: _ ->
(match field_access gen (TInst(c, snd c.cl_types)) f.cf_name with
| FClassField(_,_,_,f2,false,t,_) -> t,f2 (* if it's not an overload, all functions should have the same signature *)
| _ -> raise Not_found)
| [] -> raise Not_found
replace_mono t2;
(* if we find a function with the exact type of real_ftype, it means this interface has already been taken care of *)
if not (type_iseq (get_real_fun gen (apply_params f2.cf_params ( snd f.cf_params) t2)) real_ftype) then begin
(match f.cf_kind with | Method (MethNormal | MethInline) -> () | _ -> raise Not_found);
let t2, f2 =
match overloads with
| (_, cf) :: _ when Meta.has Meta.Overload cf.cf_meta -> (* overloaded function *)
(* try to find exact function *)
List.find (fun (t,f2) ->
Typeload.same_overload_args ftype t f f2
) overloads
| _ :: _ ->
(match field_access gen (TInst(c, snd c.cl_types)) f.cf_name with
| FClassField(_,_,_,f2,false,t) -> t,f2 (* if it's not an overload, all functions should have the same signature *)
| _ -> raise Not_found)
| [] -> raise Not_found
let t2 = get_real_fun gen t2 in
if List.length f.cf_params <> List.length f2.cf_params then raise Not_found;
replace_mono t2;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -10061,7 +10056,7 @@ struct
f2.cf_expr <- Some { e with eexpr = TFunction { tf with tf_type = newr } }
| _ -> ())
| TFun(a1,r1), TFun(a2,r2) ->
| TFun(a1,r1), TFun(a2,r2) ->
(* just implement a function that will call the main one *)
let name, is_explicit = match explicit_fn_name with
| Some fn when not (type_iseq r1 r2) && Typeload.same_overload_args real_ftype t2 f f2 ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -10103,7 +10098,8 @@ struct
(* gen.gafter_filters_ended <- delay :: gen.gafter_filters_ended *)
| _ -> assert false
with | Not_found -> ()
with | Not_found -> ()
List.iter loop_f iface.cl_ordered_fields
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1419,7 +1419,7 @@ let configure gen =
let modifiers = modifiers @ modf in
let visibility, is_virtual = if is_explicit_iface then "",false else visibility, is_virtual in
let v_n = if is_static then "static " else if is_override && not is_interface then "override " else if is_virtual then "virtual " else "" in
let cf_type = if is_override && not is_overload && not (Meta.has Meta.Overload cf.cf_meta) then match field_access gen (TInst(cl, snd cl.cl_types)) cf.cf_name with | FClassField(_,_,_,_,_,actual_t) -> actual_t | _ -> assert false else cf.cf_type in
let cf_type = if is_override && not is_overload && not (Meta.has Meta.Overload cf.cf_meta) then match field_access gen (TInst(cl, snd cl.cl_types)) cf.cf_name with | FClassField(_,_,_,_,_,actual_t,_) -> actual_t | _ -> assert false else cf.cf_type in
let ret_type, args = match follow cf_type with | TFun (strbtl, t) -> (t, strbtl) | _ -> assert false in

(* public static void funcName *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2075,7 +2075,7 @@ let configure gen =

let is_null_expr e = is_null e.etype || match e.eexpr with
| TField(tf, f) -> (match field_access gen (real_type tf.etype) (field_name f) with
| FClassField(_,_,_,_,_,actual_t) -> is_null actual_t
| FClassField(_,_,_,_,_,actual_t,_) -> is_null actual_t
| _ -> false)
| _ -> false
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -1486,7 +1486,7 @@ let configure gen =
let visibility, modifiers = get_fun_modifiers cf.cf_meta visibility [] in
let visibility, is_virtual = if is_explicit_iface then "",false else visibility, is_virtual in
let v_n = if is_static then "static " else if is_override && not is_interface then "" else if not is_virtual then "final " else "" in
let cf_type = if is_override && not is_overload && not (Meta.has Meta.Overload cf.cf_meta) then match field_access gen (TInst(cl, snd cl.cl_types)) cf.cf_name with | FClassField(_,_,_,_,_,actual_t) -> actual_t | _ -> assert false else cf.cf_type in
let cf_type = if is_override && not is_overload && not (Meta.has Meta.Overload cf.cf_meta) then match field_access gen (TInst(cl, snd cl.cl_types)) cf.cf_name with | FClassField(_,_,_,_,_,actual_t,_) -> actual_t | _ -> assert false else cf.cf_type in

let params = snd cl.cl_types in
let ret_type, args = match follow cf_type, follow cf.cf_type with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1890,7 +1890,7 @@ let configure gen =

let field_is_dynamic t field =
match field_access gen (gen.greal_type t) field with
| FClassField (cl,p,_,_,_,t) ->
| FClassField (cl,p,_,_,_,t,_) ->
is_dynamic (apply_params cl.cl_types p t)
| FEnumField _ -> false
| _ -> true
Expand Down
42 changes: 20 additions & 22 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -161,11 +161,7 @@ let make_module ctx mpath file tdecls loadp =
{ f with cff_name = "_new"; cff_access = AStatic :: f.cff_access; cff_kind = FFun fu; cff_meta = (Meta.Impl,[],p) :: f.cff_meta }
| FFun fu when not stat ->
if Meta.has Meta.From f.cff_meta then error "@:from cast functions must be static" f.cff_pos;
let first = if List.mem AMacro f.cff_access
then CTPath ({ tpackage = ["haxe";"macro"]; tname = "Expr"; tsub = Some ("ExprOf"); tparams = [TPType this_t] })
else this_t
let fu = { fu with f_args = ("this",false,Some first,None) :: fu.f_args } in
let fu = { fu with f_args = ("this",false,Some this_t,None) :: fu.f_args } in
{ f with cff_kind = FFun fu; cff_access = AStatic :: f.cff_access; cff_meta = (Meta.Impl,[],p) :: f.cff_meta }
| _ ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -643,23 +639,6 @@ let copy_meta meta_src meta_target sl =
) meta_src;

(** retrieves all overloads from class c and field i, as (Type.t * tclass_field) list *)
let rec get_overloads c i =
let ret = try
let f = PMap.find i c.cl_fields in
List.filter (fun (_,f) -> not (List.memq f c.cl_overrides)) ((f.cf_type, f) :: ( (fun f -> f.cf_type, f) f.cf_overloads))
with | Not_found -> []
match c.cl_super with
| None when c.cl_interface ->
let ifaces = List.concat ( (fun (c,tl) -> (fun (t,f) -> apply_params c.cl_types tl t, f) (get_overloads c i)
) c.cl_implements) in
ret @ ifaces
| None -> ret
| Some (c,tl) ->
ret @ ( (fun (t,f) -> apply_params c.cl_types tl t, f) (get_overloads c i) )

let same_overload_args t1 t2 f1 f2 =
if List.length f1.cf_params <> List.length f2.cf_params then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -696,6 +675,25 @@ let same_overload_args t1 t2 f1 f2 =
| _ -> assert false

(** retrieves all overloads from class c and field i, as (Type.t * tclass_field) list *)
let rec get_overloads c i =
let ret = try
let f = PMap.find i c.cl_fields in
(f.cf_type, f) :: ( (fun f -> f.cf_type, f) f.cf_overloads)
with | Not_found -> []
let rsup = match c.cl_super with
| None when c.cl_interface ->
let ifaces = List.concat ( (fun (c,tl) -> (fun (t,f) -> apply_params c.cl_types tl t, f) (get_overloads c i)
) c.cl_implements) in
ret @ ifaces
| None -> ret
| Some (c,tl) ->
ret @ ( (fun (t,f) -> apply_params c.cl_types tl t, f) (get_overloads c i) )
ret @ (List.filter (fun (t,f) -> not (List.exists (fun (t2,f2) -> same_overload_args t t2 f f2) ret)) rsup)

let check_overloads ctx c =
(* check if field with same signature was declared more than once *)
List.iter (fun f ->
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