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isaacmao edited this page May 18, 2013 · 3 revisions

MediaPie is a customizable entertainment center for home between trusted network. It starts with Raspberry Pi, a credit card sized mini computer, but can be adopted by any open hardware.

MediaPei build on p2p sharing protocol such as Bittorrent Sync. Based on p2p fold/file sharing, the media player can help end users to easily choose channels from different sources. Or create their own channels by folking their favorite content. Some sharing protocols like Bittorrent Sync can simply the sharing action to a simple string, e.g. RM3GRQKX4Z25LO73YNSHDOFKER5AVSTIJ. Such short secret string thus can be easily used to start a bunch of sharing behaviors. They can also be made into a scannable QR-code or encoded into a sound-wave to easily exchange between different users' devices.

The whole system is designed to be simple,cheap and customizable. So We use Raspberry Pi as the referential platform, some future customization can be implemented in different ways for sure.

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