This project aims to help getting started with a very simple tabbed app using the Material UI It provides some basic examples of
- creating tabs
- creating a simple input form
- retrieving some free sample data using the HttpClient component
- display the JSON data in a table
- working with tooltips
- validators of form fields
- custom pipes
- custom tooltips
- usage of the HttpClint in the unit tests
- npm install -g @angular/cli
- npm install bootstrap
- npm install ngx-bootstrap-tabs --save
- ng add @angular/cli
- ng add @angular/material
- ng add @fortawesome/angular-fontawesome
- ng add ngx-bootstrap
- ng add ngx-bootstrap --component tabs
- ng generate component Breweries
- ng generate component Numbers
- ng generate component Info
- ng generate component InfoTooltip
angular-multi-tab-app is created and maintained by Iulian Macovei
I'm open to suggestions, feel free to open an issue. Pull requests are also welcome!