Creating and maintain Docker image for development work, Docker images are usually used to run software on servers, Kubernetes
Here you can use it for your development environmant, always uptodate with all system and developmemt tools you use and the same on any system and for all team members using the image.
Imagine you always have the same Python version, go version, all the tools you need with all packages installed in correct versions and ready for use.
On all systems you use MAC, Winodws, Linux, cloud based, whereever you have docker you can have your dev environment
Now imagin that your your team members use the same image for develepment environment work
You need to add to Dockerfile whatever you neeed and update its versions regulary
Here I use several Dockerfiles for Devenv, based on Linux2, Centos7 with full stack of tool we use in the team
Need to be run with volume of git repositories attached Based on:
$ docker build --rm -f Dockerfile -t gfish/devenv:$(git show -s --format=%ct-%h) -t gfish/devenv:latest . -v $(pwd):/work
$ docker login
$ docker push gfish/devenv --all-tags
$ docker run --rm -it gfish/devenv
$ cd ~ $ docker run --restart unless-stopped --name devenv -it -d -e "HOME=/work" -v $(pwd):/work gfish/devenv:latest
$ docker run --restart unless-stopped --name devenv -it -d -e "HOME=/work" -v /mnt/c/Users/ilyaro:/work -v /mnt/d/:/d gfish/devenv:latest
docker exec -it devenv /bin/bash