Join-Object LINQ Edition. Aims to provide the exact functionality of with much better performance. Initial testing shows at last 100 times faster.
CI System | Environment | Master | Beta |
AppVeyor | Windows, Core preview, Ubuntu | ||
Azure DevOps | Windows | ||
Azure DevOps | Windows (Core) | ||
Azure DevOps | Ubuntu | ||
Azure DevOps | macOS |
See RamblingCookieMonster guide and Join-Object.Examples.ps1. And also Join-Object.Tests.ps1.
# Left Object Example
$PSCustomObject = @(
[PSCustomObject]@{ID = 1 ; Sub = 'S1' ; IntO = 6}
[PSCustomObject]@{ID = 2 ; Sub = 'S2' ; IntO = 7}
[PSCustomObject]@{ID = 3 ; Sub = 'S3' ; IntO = $null}
# Right Object Example (DataTable)
$DataTable = [Data.DataTable]::new('Test')
$null = $DataTable.Columns.Add('IDD', [System.Int32])
$null = $DataTable.Columns.Add('Name')
$null = $DataTable.Columns.Add('Junk')
$null = $DataTable.Columns.Add('IntT', [System.Int32])
$null = $DataTable.Rows.Add(1, 'foo', 'AAA', 123456)
$null = $DataTable.Rows.Add(3, 'Bar', 'S3', $null)
$null = $DataTable.Rows.Add(4, 'D', $null, $null)
# Join the 2 together ("Left Join" in this example)
Join-Object -Left $PSCustomObject -Right $DataTable -LeftJoinProperty 'ID' -RightJoinProperty 'IDD' -ExcludeRightProperties 'Junk' -Prefix 'R_' | Format-Table
<# Output
ID Sub IntO R_Name R_IntT
-- --- ---- ------ ------
1 S1 6 foo 123456
2 S2 7
3 S3 Bar
- Supports DataTable object type.
- Additional parameters -ExcludeLeftProperties and -ExcludeRightProperties.
- Additional parameter -PassThru, If added changes the original Left Object
- Converts DBNull to $null
- -RightJoinScript and -LeftJoinScript parameters to support custom joining scripts.
- -RightJoinProperty and -LeftJoinProperty supports multiple Properties (String Array) to join on multiple columns.
- -DataTable parameter to output as "DataTable".
- -AddKey can be used with "-Type AllInBoth" to add a column containing the joining key.
- -AllowColumnsMerging Allow duplicate columns in the Left and Right Objects, will overwrite the conflicting Left data with the Right data (Ignoring Nulls), Supported only on DataTable output for now.
- -Comparer allow use of custom [EqualityComparer].
- -Type "AllInRight".
- Noting for now, You can open an Issues if something is needed.
From repository (Recommended)
Install-Module -Name Join-Object -Scope CurrentUser
From GitHub Branch (For testing)
$Uri = ''; & ([Scriptblock]::Create((irm $Uri))) -FromGitHub $Uri
If you fund a bug or added functionality or anything else just fork and send pull requests. Thank you!
Join Type | Linq mode | LeftMultiMode supported | RightMultiMode supported | PassThru |
OnlyIfInBoth | Join | DuplicateLines | DuplicateLines | Not Supported |
AllInLeft | GroupJoin | DuplicateLines | SingleOnly, DuplicateLines, SubGroups | SingleOnly, SubGroups |
AllInBoth | FullGroupJoin | SingleOnly, DuplicateLines, SubGroups | SingleOnly, DuplicateLines, SubGroups | Not Supported |
* Bold signifies the default setting.