SRTabBarController Public
Forked from gerardmurphyaw/SRTabBarController🚥 A UITabBarController clone for OS X
Swift MIT License UpdatedMar 16, 2020 -
DBCamera Public
Forked from danielebogo/DBCameraInspired by CropImageSample (https://github.com/kishikawakatsumi/CropImageSample), DBCamera is a simple custom camera with AVFoundation
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedFeb 17, 2014 -
MKFoundationKit Public
Forked from michalkonturek/MKFoundationKitCollection of categories for NSFoundation classes to accelerate development.
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedFeb 1, 2014 -
iOS7-Sampler Public
Forked from shu223/iOS7-SamplerCode examples for the new functions of iOS 7.
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedOct 3, 2013 -
Tesseract-OCR-iOS Public
Forked from gali8/Tesseract-OCR-iOSTesseract OCR iOS is a Framework for iOS5+, compiled also for armv7s.
C++ UpdatedJul 18, 2013 -
sstoolkit Public
Forked from soffes/sstoolkitA collection of well-documented iOS classes for making life easier
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedNov 1, 2012 -
Anypic Public
Forked from ParsePlatform/AnypicAn open source mobile and web app that lets users share photos similar to Instagram
NYXImagesKit Public
Forked from Nyx0uf/NYXImagesKitA set of efficient categories for UIImage class. It allows filtering, resizing, masking, rotating, enhancing... and more.
JBDeviceOwner Public
Forked from jakeboxer/JBDeviceOwnerCocoa Touch library for finding information on an iOS device's owner. Inspired by Square's iOS app.
Additions Public
Forked from sumchattering/AdditionsUseful objective C categories and a cpl useful classes.
JTGestureBasedTableViewDemo Public
Forked from jamztang/JTGestureBasedTableViewDemoRecreating the buttonless interaction pattern found in Clear for iPhone app
ios-image-filters Public
Forked from esilverberg/ios-image-filtersphotoshop-style filter interface for UIImage class on iOS to make instagram-style images
uidevice-extension Public
Forked from erica/uidevice-extensionAdd functionality to UIDevice to distinguish between platforms like iPod touch 1G and 2G and iPhone
ELCImagePickerController Public
Forked from B-Sides/ELCImagePickerControllerA clone of the UIImagePickerController using the Assets Library Framework allowing for multiple asset selection
three20 Public
Forked from facebookarchive/three20Three20 is an Objective-C library for iPhone developers
SudokuResolv Public
Forked from Haoest/SudokuResolvSudoku solver with OCR capability on iOS
tapkulibrary Public
Forked from devinross/tapkulibrarytap + haiku = tapku, a well crafted open source iOS framework for iPhone & iPad
imagemagick_lib_iphone Public
Forked from marforic/imagemagick_lib_iphoneScript and instructions to compile imagemagick as a static library to use in any iPhone project
NSPredicateDemo Public
Forked from peterfriese/NSPredicateDemoCode for my blog post "Using NSPredicate to Filter Data"
Pocket-OCR Public
Forked from rcarlsen/Pocket-OCRDemonstration of Tesseract OCR on the iPhone. Video: http://www.youtube.com/v/MICew5-nZp4?hl=en_US&fs=1
speedlimit Public
Forked from mschrag/speedlimitNetwork bandwidth limiter for testing iphone apps