A pure (in both senses of the word!) Scala 3 logging library with no runtime reflection.
- Highlights
- Installation
- Example
- Can I use
? - Can I use
? - Can I use
? - Structured Logging
- Pure Scala 3 library
- Made with Cats Effect
- Macro based (no runtime reflection)
- Configured with plain Scala code
Module | JVM | scala.js | native |
core | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
http4s | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
slf4j | ✅ | 🚫 | 🚫 |
slf4j-2 | ✅ | 🚫 | 🚫 |
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.legogroup" %% "woof-core" % "$VERSION",
"org.legogroup" %% "woof-slf4j" % "$VERSION", // only if you need to use Woof via slf4j 1.x.x
"org.legogroup" %% "woof-slf4j-2" % "$VERSION", // only if you need to use Woof via slf4j 2.x.x
"org.legogroup" %% "woof-http4s" % "$VERSION", // only if you need to add correlation IDs in http4s
You can see a bunch of self-contained examples in the examples sub-project. To run them, open sbt
and run the command examples/run
sbt:root> examples/run
Multiple main classes detected. Select one to run:
[1] examples.AtLeastLevel
[2] examples.CustomPrinter
[3] examples.CustomTheme
[4] examples.ExactLevel
[5] examples.FileOutput
[6] examples.HelloWorld
[7] examples.LogLevelFromEnv
[8] examples.RegexFilter
[9] examples.TaglessFinal
Enter number:
it will ask you for a number corresponding to the example you wish to run. For a self-contained Scala.Js
example, look at modules/examples-scalajs/src/main/scala/examples/HelloScalaJs.scala
import cats.effect.IO
import org.legogroup.woof.{given, *}
val consoleOutput: Output[IO] = new Output[IO]:
def output(str: String) = IO.delay(println(str))
def outputError(str: String) = output(str) // MDOC ignores stderr
given Filter = Filter.everything
given Printer = NoColorPrinter()
def program(using Logger[IO]): IO[Unit] =
_ <- Logger[IO].debug("This is some debug")
_ <- Logger[IO].info("HEY!")
_ <- Logger[IO].warn("I'm warning you")
_ <- Logger[IO].error("I give up")
yield ()
val main: IO[Unit] =
given Logger[IO] <- DefaultLogger.makeIo(consoleOutput)
_ <- program
yield ()
and running it yields:
import cats.effect.unsafe.implicits.global
// 2023-03-13 09:00:42 [DEBUG] repl.MdocSession$.MdocApp: This is some debug (README.md:27)
// 2023-03-13 09:00:42 [INFO ] repl.MdocSession$.MdocApp: HEY! (README.md:28)
// 2023-03-13 09:00:42 [WARN ] repl.MdocSession$.MdocApp: I'm warning you (README.md:29)
// 2023-03-13 09:00:42 [ERROR] repl.MdocSession$.MdocApp: I give up (README.md:30)
We can also re-use the program and add context to our logger:
import Logger.*
val mainWithContext: IO[Unit] =
given Logger[IO] <- DefaultLogger.makeIo(consoleOutput)
_ <- program.withLogContext("trace-id", "4d334544-6462-43fa-b0b1-12846f871573")
_ <- Logger[IO].info("Now the context is gone")
yield ()
And running with context yields:
// 2023-03-13 09:00:42 [DEBUG] trace-id=4d334544-6462-43fa-b0b1-12846f871573 repl.MdocSession$.MdocApp: This is some debug (README.md:27)
// 2023-03-13 09:00:42 [INFO ] trace-id=4d334544-6462-43fa-b0b1-12846f871573 repl.MdocSession$.MdocApp: HEY! (README.md:28)
// 2023-03-13 09:00:42 [WARN ] trace-id=4d334544-6462-43fa-b0b1-12846f871573 repl.MdocSession$.MdocApp: I'm warning you (README.md:29)
// 2023-03-13 09:00:42 [ERROR] trace-id=4d334544-6462-43fa-b0b1-12846f871573 repl.MdocSession$.MdocApp: I give up (README.md:30)
// 2023-03-13 09:00:42 [INFO ] repl.MdocSession$.MdocApp: Now the context is gone (README.md:61)
Yes, you can. I don't think you should (for new projects), but you can use it for interop with existing SLF4J programs! Note, however, that not everything can be implemented perfectly against the
API, e.g. the filtering functionality in woof
is much more flexible and thus does not map directly to, e.g., isDebugEnabled
NOTE: This is about implementing the
API forwoof
, not about sendingwoof
logs INTO existing SLF4J implementations
Consider this program which logs using the SLF4J
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
def programWithSlf4j: IO[Unit] =
slf4jLogger <- IO.delay(LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass))
_ <- IO.delay(slf4jLogger.info("Hello from SLF4j!"))
_ <- IO.delay(slf4jLogger.warn("This is not the pure woof."))
yield ()
To use this program with woof
- add
as a dependency to our program - instantiate a
as per usual - register the woof logger to the static log binder to allow the slf4j
to find it.
Note that any logs that happen before registration are lost!
import org.legogroup.woof.slf4j.*
import cats.effect.std.Dispatcher
val mainSlf4j: IO[Unit] =
Dispatcher.sequential[IO].use{ implicit dispatcher =>
woofLogger <- DefaultLogger.makeIo(consoleOutput)
_ <- woofLogger.registerSlf4j
_ <- programWithSlf4j
yield ()
and running it:
Currently, markers do nothing. You can get the same behaviour easily with context when using the direct woof
api with filters and printers.
Yes you can. If you want to see internal logs from http4s
, use the SLF4J
module from above. If you want to use the context capabilities in woof
, there's a module for adding correlation IDs to each request with a simple middleware.
NOTE: The correlation ID is also added to the response header when using this middleware
Consider the following http4s
import org.http4s.{HttpRoutes, Response}
import cats.data.{Kleisli, OptionT}
import cats.syntax.functor.given
def routes(using Logger[IO]): HttpRoutes[IO] =
Kleisli(request =>
.liftF(Logger[IO].info("I got a request with trace id! :D"))
We create a tracing middleware from the above routes and call the resulting route with an empty request.
import org.http4s.Request
import org.legogroup.woof.http4s.CorrelationIdMiddleware
import cats.syntax.option.given
val mainHttp4s: IO[Unit] =
given Logger[IO] <- DefaultLogger.makeIo(consoleOutput)
maybeResponse <- CorrelationIdMiddleware.middleware[IO]()(routes).run(Request[IO]()).value
responseHeaders = maybeResponse.map(_.headers).orEmpty
_ <- Logger[IO].info(s"Got response headers: $responseHeaders")
yield ()
Finally, running it, we see that the correlation ID is added to the log message inside the routes (transparently), and that the correlation ID is also returned in the header of the response.
NOTE: The correlation ID is not present outside the routes, i.e. we have scoped it only to the service part of our code.
// 2023-03-13 09:00:43 [INFO ] X-Trace-Id=33a38390-647a-4876-9a05-7898a8f4db44 repl.MdocSession$.MdocApp: I got a request with trace id! :D (README.md:126)
// 2023-03-13 09:00:43 [INFO ] repl.MdocSession$.MdocApp: Got response headers: Headers(X-Trace-Id: 33a38390-647a-4876-9a05-7898a8f4db44) (README.md:147)
Yes, you can. Create a Woof Logger[F]
instance, and wrap it into Log4Cats' LoggerFactory[F]
import cats.effect.IO
import org.legogroup.woof.ColorPrinter
import org.legogroup.woof.DefaultLogger
import org.legogroup.woof.Filter
import org.legogroup.woof.log4cats.WoofFactory
import org.legogroup.woof.Output
import org.legogroup.woof.Printer
import org.typelevel.log4cats.Logger
import org.typelevel.log4cats.LoggerFactory
import org.typelevel.log4cats.syntax.*
def program(using LoggerFactory[IO]): IO[Unit] =
given Logger[IO] = LoggerFactory[IO].getLogger
_ <- error"This is some error from log4cats!"
_ <- warn"This is some warn from log4cats!"
_ <- info"This is some info from log4cats!"
_ <- debug"This is some debug from log4cats!"
_ <- trace"This is some trace from log4cats!"
yield ()
val main: IO[Unit] =
given Filter = Filter.everything
given Printer = ColorPrinter()
given LoggerFactory[IO] <- DefaultLogger.makeIo(Output.fromConsole).map(WoofFactory[IO](_))
_ <- program
yield ()
Structured logging is useful when your logs are collected and inspected by a monitoring system. Having a well structured log output can save you hours of reg-ex'ing your way towards the root cause of a burning issue.
supports printing as Json
import Logger.*
val contextAsJson: IO[Unit] =
given Printer = JsonPrinter()
given Logger[IO] <- DefaultLogger.makeIo(consoleOutput)
_ <- program.withLogContext("foo", "42").withLogContext("bar", "1337")
_ <- Logger[IO].info("Now the context is gone")
yield ()
And running with context yields:
// {"level":"Debug","epochMillis":1678694443157,"timeStamp":"2023-03-13T08:00:43Z","enclosingClass":"repl.MdocSession$.MdocApp","lineNumber":26,"message":"This is some debug","context":{"bar":"1337","foo":"42"}}
// {"level":"Info","epochMillis":1678694443159,"timeStamp":"2023-03-13T08:00:43Z","enclosingClass":"repl.MdocSession$.MdocApp","lineNumber":27,"message":"HEY!","context":{"bar":"1337","foo":"42"}}
// {"level":"Warn","epochMillis":1678694443159,"timeStamp":"2023-03-13T08:00:43Z","enclosingClass":"repl.MdocSession$.MdocApp","lineNumber":28,"message":"I'm warning you","context":{"bar":"1337","foo":"42"}}
// {"level":"Error","epochMillis":1678694443159,"timeStamp":"2023-03-13T08:00:43Z","enclosingClass":"repl.MdocSession$.MdocApp","lineNumber":29,"message":"I give up","context":{"bar":"1337","foo":"42"}}
// {"level":"Info","epochMillis":1678694443159,"timeStamp":"2023-03-13T08:00:43Z","enclosingClass":"repl.MdocSession$.MdocApp","lineNumber":168,"message":"Now the context is gone","context":{}}
We are considering if we should support matching different printers with different outputs: Maybe you want human readable logs for standard out and structured logging for your monitoring tools. However, this will be a breaking change.