⚠️ Breaking changes
🍏 Features
Added support for WMS and WMTS layers
Added map and layers based on Leaflet
Added an isolated menu for base maps
Added a JSON file for layers definitions and app settings
Added an automatically-generated layers menu based on WMS / WMTS response
Added a basic login module for authentication against a GeoServer instance
Added nested collapsable sections to layers menu
Added filters and alias for layers in menu.json
Added layers ordering based on WMS keywords
Added layers merging into one layer button in menu
Added search bar for layers menu
Added tabs for layers menu
Added two sample templates
✨ Improvements
Moved customization elements to templates (styling, texts, images and map plugins)
Added the 'app' objetc, it includes some methods and imports settings from the menu.json file
Comments and unused code cleanup
Improved and updated
Better code formatting
Reduced size of js files
Nested or multiple iteration control statements refactored
🐞 Bug fixes
Fixed a bug where login module binded events to buttons before them were created
Fixed a bug where some settings were not found in menu.json
You can’t perform that action at this time.