A library to login into steamcommunity.com via a .net core wrapper. This will not need an api key because it is using the methods which steam is providing via the web.
- "NETStandard.Library": "1.6.0"
- Newtonsoft.Json 9.0.1
- System.Security.Cryptography.Csp
- Make sure you have .net core installed. Head over to dot.net to install .net core.
Work in progress
- Clone the repo by using git or download it as .zip.
- In your new project add the project to the global.json file like this:
"projects": [ "src", "test", "../skadisteamlogin/src" ],
"sdk": {
"version": "1.0.0-preview2-003121"
is the path to the project.
- Add the reference to your project.json like this:
"dependencies": {
"Microsoft.NETCore.App": {
"type": "platform",
"version": "1.0.0"
"skadisteam.login": "1.0.0-beta"
At first you need to create the login data. The library will provide a model for this. You can create an instance like this:
var skadiLoginData = new SkadiLoginData {
Username = "username",
Password = "password",
SharedSecret = "sharedSecret"
After this we need to instantiate the login by:
var skadiLogin = new SkadiLogin();
You can also use skadi configuration for adding extra features.
SkadiLoginConfiguration skadiLoginConfiguration = new SkadiLoginConfiguration
StopOnError = false,
WaitTimeEachError = 20
This needs to be appended to the login instance. This is done by:
var skadiLogin = new SkadiLogin(skadiLoginConfiguration);
After instantiating you can execute the login by applying the data to a method.
var skadiLoginResponse = skadiLogin.Execute(skadiLoginData);
The response will have several informations and the cookie container of the login. The object will have the following properties:
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
SessionId | string | Id of the session | "wdIaDW21adsAh" |
SkadiLoginCookies | CookieContainer | CookieContainer which contains the cookies of the login | {System.Net.CookieContainer} |
SkadiLoginError | SkadiLoginError | If an error occurs this will be an instance of SkadiLoginError. See the documentation of it for more information | null |
SteamCommunityId | long | Steam Community Id of the account which logged in | 76561198028630048 |
SteamCountry | string | Country provided by Steam | DE... |
SteamLanguage | string | Language which is set. Default is english. | "english" |
SteamLogin | string | Steam login cookie value. | "76561198028630048AWd12km8d_dwaknN21..." |
SteamRememberLogin | string | Steam's value of the cookie to remember login | "76561198028630048AWd12km8d_dwaknN21..." |
Work in progress
For commits i am using this style. You should also use this style when you are creating pull requests.
For general language advice i suggest the official style guideline. Written down in markdown syntax here.
Date | Version | Description |
06/30/16 | -/- | Start of the project |