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DCE-GO is a powerful universal routing library that not only supports the HTTP protocol but also routes non-standard protocols such as CLI, WebSocket, TCP/UDP, and more. It adopts a modular design, divided into the following core modules based on functionality:
Router Module
As the core module of DCE, it defines APIs, contexts, and the router library, while providing interfaces for converters and routable protocols, ensuring flexibility and extensibility. -
Routable Protocol Module
Encapsulates routable implementations of various common protocols, including HTTP, CLI, WebSocket, TCP, UDP, QUIC, etc., to meet diverse scenario requirements. -
Converter Module
Built-in JSON and template converters support serialization and deserialization of serial data, as well as bidirectional conversion between transport objects and entity objects. -
Session Manager Module
Defines interfaces for basic sessions, user sessions, connection sessions, and self-regenerating sessions, and provides implementation libraries for Redis and shared memory, facilitating rapid integration for developers. -
Utility Module
Provides a series of practical tools to simplify the development process.
All features of DCE-GO come with detailed usage examples, located in the _examples directory. Its routing performance is comparable to Gin, and specific performance test reports can be viewed in the ab test results, where port 2046
represents DCE's test results.
DCE-GO originates from DCE-RUST, and both are based on the core routing module of DCE-PHP. DCE-PHP is a complete network programming framework that has ceased updates, with its core functionalities migrated to DCE-RUST and DCE-GO. Currently, DCE-GO has a newer feature version, and DCE-RUST will be synchronized with it in the future.
DCE is committed to building an efficient, open, and secure universal routing library, and welcomes community contributions to drive its development.
- Optimize the JS version of the WebSocket routable protocol client and improve the Golang client implementations for various protocols.
- Upgrade the controller pre- and post-event interfaces to support binding with program interfaces.
- Enhance support for digital paths.
- Refactor elastic numeric functions into structural method styles.
- Investigate the possibility of supporting custom business attributes in routable protocols.
- Upgrade the feature version of DCE-RUST.
- Gradually replace AI-generated documentation with manually written documentation.
Usage Example
package main
import (
func main() {
// go run main.go tcp start
proto.CliRouter.Push("tcp/start/{address?}", func(c *proto.Cli) {
addr := c.ParamOr("address", ":2048")
listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", addr)
if err != nil {
defer listener.Close()
fmt.Printf("tcp server start at %s\n", addr)
for {
conn, err := listener.Accept()
if err != nil {
slog.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("accept error: %s", err))
go func(conn net.Conn) {
defer conn.Close()
// Connection sessions are used to store the connection information for sending message across hosts to clients in a distributed environment.
shadow, err := session.NewShmSession[Member](nil, session.DefaultTtlMinutes)
if err != nil {
slog.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("new session error: %s", err))
shadow.Connect(conn.LocalAddr().String(), conn.RemoteAddr().String())
defer shadow.Disconnect()
for {
if !flex.TcpRouter.Route(conn, map[string]any{"$shadowSession": shadow}) {
func bindServer() {
flex.TcpRouter.Push("sign", func(c *flex.Tcp) {
jc := converter.JsonConverterSame[*flex.TcpProtocol, Member, router.DoNotConvert](c)
signInfo, ok := jc.Parse()
if !ok {
if (len(signInfo.Name) == 0 || len(signInfo.Password) == 0) && jc.Fail("name or password is empty", 0) {
member, ok := members[signInfo.Name]
if !ok {
// Notfound then auto register
member = signInfo
member.Id = memberId
member.Role = 1
members[member.Name] = member
if member.Password != signInfo.Password && jc.Fail("password error", 0) {
// Must be have a session obj after `BeforeController` event, so we no need to check nil
se := c.Rp.Session().(*session.ShmSession[Member])
if err := se.Login(member, 0); err != nil && jc.Fail(err.Error(), 0) {
// Must be have a new session id after `UserSession.Login()`
// Bind an api with Path: signer, roles: [1]
flex.TcpRouter.PushApi(router.Path("signer").Append("roles", 1), func(c *flex.Tcp) {
jc := converter.JsonConverterNoParse[*flex.TcpProtocol, Member, Signer](c)
sess := c.Rp.Session().(*session.ShmSession[Member])
// Member info can be obtained here, so there is no need to check
member, _ := sess.User()
// Response the member, it can be convert to Signer struct automatically
flex.TcpRouter.SetEventHandler(func(c *flex.Tcp) error {
shadow, _ := c.Rp.CtxData("$shadowSession")
rs := shadow.(*session.ShmSession[Member])
cloned, err := rs.CloneForRequest(c.Rp.Sid())
if err != nil {
return err
se := cloned.(*session.ShmSession[Member])
if roles := util.MapSeqFrom[any, uint16](c.Api.ExtrasBy("roles")).Map(func(i any) uint16 {
return uint16(i.(int))
}).Collect(); len(roles) > 0 {
// Roles configured means need to login
if member, ok := se.User(); !ok {
return util.Openly(401, "need to login")
} else if !slices.Contains(roles, member.Role) {
return util.Openly(403, "no permission")
} else if newer, err := session.NewAutoRenew(se).TryRenew(); err != nil {
return err
} else if newer {
// Logged session need to auto renew to enhance security
return nil
}, nil)
func bindClient() {
// go run main.go sign
proto.CliRouter.Push("sign", func(c *proto.Cli) {
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
signInfo := Member{}
fmt.Print("Enter username: ")
username, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
signInfo.Name = strings.TrimSpace(username)
fmt.Print("Enter password: ")
password, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
signInfo.Password = strings.TrimSpace(password)
reqBody, err := json.Marshal(signInfo)
if err != nil && c.SetError(err) {
} else if resp := request(c, "sign", reqBody, ""); resp != nil {
c.WriteString("Signed in successfully")
// go run main.go signer $SESSION_ID
proto.CliRouter.Push("signer/{sid?}", func(c *proto.Cli) {
sid := c.Param("sid")
if len(sid) == 0 {
panic("Session ID is required")
if resp := request(c, "signer", nil, sid); resp == nil {
c.SetError(util.Closed0("Request failed"))
} else if resp.Code == 0 {
var signer Signer
if err := json.Unmarshal(resp.Body, &signer); err != nil && c.SetError(err) {
} else {
// Just response the signer info if the session is logged in
c.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Signer: %v", signer))
} else {
c.SetError(util.Openly(int(resp.Code), resp.Message))
// It's a simple example, need to mapping request id and the response callback if the server is async
func request(c *proto.Cli, path string, reqBody []byte, sid string) *flex.Package {
pkg := flex.NewPackage(path, reqBody, sid, -1)
conn, _ := net.Dial("tcp", ""+c.Rp.ArgOr("port", "2048"))
defer conn.Close()
if _, err := conn.Write(pkg.Serialize()); err != nil && c.SetError(err) {
return nil
resp, err := flex.PackageDeserialize(bufio.NewReader(conn))
if err != nil && c.SetError(err) {
return nil
return resp
var memberId uint64 = 0
var members map[string]Member = make(map[string]Member)
type Member struct {
Id uint64
Role uint16
Name string `json:"name"`
Password string `json:"password"`
func (m Member) Uid() uint64 {
return m.Id
type Signer struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
// Member entity converted to transfer object desensitization
func (m Signer) From(member Member) (Signer, error) {
m.Name = member.Name
return m, nil