Code Editor App This is a simple code editor application that allows you to write and preview HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code in real-time. It consists of three editors for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as an output section that displays the rendered result.
Prerequisites Make sure you have a web browser installed that supports HTML5 and JavaScript.
Installation Download or clone the repository to your local machine.
Open the index.html file in your web browser.
Usage Launch the application by opening the index.html file in your web browser.
In the HTML editor, enter your HTML code.
In the CSS editor, enter your CSS code.
In the JavaScript editor, enter your JavaScript code.
As you type in any of the editors, the output section will display the rendered result in real-time.
File Structure app.js: Contains the JavaScript code responsible for initializing the application and handling the real-time rendering.
index.html: The main HTML file that defines the structure of the application. It includes the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript editors, as well as the output section.
style.css: Defines the styling rules for the application's UI.
Styling The application uses CSS to style its UI elements. The style.css file contains the following styling rules:
body: Sets the text alignment of the entire document to center.
.mainarea: Displays the editors in a flex layout with space distributed evenly around them.
.editors: Sets the background color to dark goldenrod and makes the editors occupy the full width.
textarea: Sets the width to 100%, ensures a minimum height of 250 pixels, adds a scroll bar if needed, and sets the font size to x-large.
iframe: Sets the width to 100% and the height to 30em, which is the rendered output section.
Feel free to modify the style.css file to customize the application's appearance according to your preferences.