Vanilla / (香草中文文档)
Vanilla is An OpenResty Lua MVC Web Framework.
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/vanilla --openresty-path=/usr/local/openresty
make install
Vanilla have default value for the options, but if your environment is different from the default value, please change it with yours.
And you can run make install
after your configuration to install vanill.
./configure --help
--help this message
--prefix=PATH set the installation prefix (default to /usr/local/vanilla)
--vanilla-bin-path=PATH set vanilla bin path (default to /usr/local/bin)
--platform= set platform(darwin, linux...)
--openresty-path=PATH set openresty install path (default to /usr/local/openresty)
set openresty luajit include path for install C moudle
(like: /usr/local/openresty/luajit/include/luajit-2.1)
--with-luajit-or-lua-bin=BIN set openresty luajit or standard lua bin for run vanilla vanilla-console
(default to $openresty_path/luajit/bin/luajit*)
--without-lua-resty-cookie disable the lua-resty-cookie library
--without-lua-resty-template disable the lua-resty-template library
--without-lua-resty-http disable the lua-resty-http library
--without-lua-resty-logger-socket disable the lua-resty-logger-socket library
--without-lua-resty-session disable the lua-resty-session library
--without-lua-resty-shcache disable the lua-resty-shcache library
--with-lua-filesystem enable and build lua-filesystem
(must need option --with-openresty-luajit-include-path)
Vanilla provide two commands like vanilla
, and vanilla-console
, vanilla
is for application building, service start, stop and so on, vanilla-console
is an interactive command line, you can use it for debugging.
Run vanilla
in command line, you can find command vanilla
provide three options.
Vanilla v0.1.0-rc3, A MVC web framework for Lua powered by OpenResty.
Usage: vanilla COMMAND [ARGS] [OPTIONS]
The available vanilla commands are:
new [name] Create a new Vanilla application
start Starts the Vanilla server
stop Stops the Vanilla server
--trace Shows additional logs
vanilla new app_name
cd app_name
vanilla start [--trace] -- default running in development environment.
VA_ENV=production vanilla start [--trace] -- add VA_ENV to set the running environment.
/Users/zj-git/app_name/ tree ./
├── application(应用代码主体目录)
│ ├── bootstrap.lua(应用初始化 / 可选<以下未标可选为必选>)
│ ├── controllers(应用业务代码主体目录)
│ │ ├── error.lua(应用业务错误处理,处理本路径下相应业务报错)
│ │ └── index.lua(hello world示例)
│ ├── library(应用本地类包)
│ ├── models(应用数据处理类)
│ │ ├── dao(数据层业务处理)
│ │ │ └── table.lua
│ │ └── service(服务化业务处理,对DAO的再次封装)
│ │ └── user.lua
│ ├── nginx(*Openresty所封装Nginx请求处理各Phase)
│ │ └── init.lua(*init_by_lua示例)
│ ├── plugins(插件目录)
│ └── views(视图层,与controllers一一对应)
│ ├── error(错误模板)
│ │ └── error.html
│ └── index(index controller模板)
│ └── index.html
├── config(应用配置目录)
│ ├── application.lua(应用基础配置 / 路由器、初始化等设置)
│ ├── errors.lua(应用错误信息配置)
│ ├── nginx.conf(nginx配置文件模板)
│ ├── nginx.lua(服务各种运行环境配置 / 是否开启lua_code_cache等)
│ ├── waf-regs(应用防火墙规则配置目录)
│ │ ├── args
│ │ ├── cookie
│ │ ├── post
│ │ ├── url
│ │ ├── user-agent
│ │ └── whiteurl
│ └── waf.lua(服务防火墙配置)
├── logs(日志目录)
│ └── hack(攻击日志目录 / 保持可写权限)
├── pub(应用Nginx配置根路径)
│ └── index.lua(应用请求入口)
└── spec(基于busted的单元测试路径)
├── controllers
│ └── index_controller_spec.lua
├── models
└── spec_helper.lua
local IndexController = {}
function IndexController:index()
local view = self:getView()
local p = {}
p['vanilla'] = 'Welcome To Vanilla...'
p['zhoujing'] = 'Power by Openresty'
return view:display()
return IndexController
<!DOCTYPE html>
<img src="">
<h1><a href = ''>{{vanilla}}</a></h1><h5>{{zhoujing}}</h5>
回答这个问题,我们只需要看清楚Openresty和Vanilla各自做了什么即可。 #####Openresty
- 提供了处理HTTP请求的全套整体解决方案
- 给Nginx模块开发开辟了一条全新的道路,我们可以使用Lua来处理Web请求
- 形成了一个日趋完善的生态,这个生态涵盖了高性能Web服务方方面面
- 基于Openresty开发,具备Openresty一切优良特性
- 实现了自动化、配置化的Nginx指令集管理
- 更合理的利用Openresty封装的8个处理请求Phase
- 支持不同运行环境(开发、测试、上线)服务的自动化配置和运行管理
- 使复杂的Nginx配置对Web业务开发者更透明化
- 开发者不再需要了解Openresty的实现细节,而更关注业务本身
- 实现了Web开发常规的调试,错误处理,异常捕获
- 实现了请求的完整处理流程和插件机制,支持路由协议、模板引擎的配置化
- 整合、封装了一系列Web开发常用的工具集、类库(cookie、应用防火墙等)
- 功能使用方便易于扩展
Openresty 技术交流QQ群:34782325(讨论OpenResty和各种高级技术)