A sort-of awesome list about tools, best practices and technical stuff at Ideas On Purpose.
- WordPress
- Make WordPress Core - Development blog (firehose) for WordPress development
- WordPress on GitHub - source code mirror
- Eleventy - Static site generator (not a framework)
- Visual Studio Code
- Git
- Atlassian Git Tutorials
- Git Book - Reference
- GitHub Learning Lab
- Docker
- Docker Hub - Repository of dockerfiles
- Prettier - Highly opinionated code formatter
- Designers Intro to the Command Line - Not the original, but a good intro
- Learn the Mac OS X Command Line
- MDN JavaScript Reference
- Can I Use - Browser support tables for modern web technologies
- node.js - JavaScript everywhere
- PHP - Serverside language, the WordPress backend uses this
- Nunjucks - Templating language for JavaScript, 11ty uses this
- Markdown Cheatsheet and tutorial - Based on the CommonMark specification
- Mastering Markdown - From GitHub
- Ideas On Purpose on GitHub - You're already here
- Developer Guidelines - Standards and guidelines for development
- Ideas On Purpose on Docker Hub - Our dockerfiles
- 12 Factor App - Some very good ideas about reproducibility, disposability and development environments
- Zen of Python - Even though we don't use Python, these are good know
Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it. --Brian Kernighan
There are two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors.