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- kiwix.yml: latest version of ZIMs from Kiwix
- kiwix.yml.html: the same content, readable from your web browser.
- static-sites.yml: websites dumped and ZIM-packed
- static-sites.yml.html: the same content, readable from your web browser.
- bibliotecamovil.yml: Content that will be used in the Colombian project. Mainly zipped medias for the media center.
- bibliotecamovil.yml.html: the same content, readable from your web browser.
: uploads the catalogs and browser-compliant versions as well.
There is a git repository for these catalogs.
- catalogs tries to explain what a catalog is.
- kiwix.yml from kiwix.org
- static-sites.yml stores our websites dumps.
- How to edit a catalog for the braves.