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Where save the ECAD models and idx files

Marcello Savoldi edited this page Sep 14, 2022 · 1 revision

Where save the ECAD model ?

A special area has been created in the CAD-MECHANICS repository divided as follows:


New preliminary boards ( not yet in production or in any case to be tested ) should be saved in "elect_preliminary".

The boards tested and modeled with the new procedure of "ECAD-MCAD collaboration" should be saved in "electronic_boards".

Old boards generated with old procedures were all saved inside "elect_old-school". Inside this last folder no more new boards should be saved, only old boards.

Obsolete boards were all stowed in a folder inside mechatronics: ..\mechatronics\project\obsolete_boards If anyone finds failures in the assemblies for missing boards , they can try to search for them in the above folder, but it is a good idea to replace the OBSOLETE board with the equivalent found in "elect_old-school" or "electronic_boards" in case it was converted with the new procedure.

in all migrated boards in the "obsolete_board" folder will be placed a cosmetic with an "OBSOLETE" inscription so that it will be immediately understood that that board is to be replaced with a more up-to-date model.


Where save the idx files?

Regarding the interchange IDX files used for collaboration between electronic and mechanical we have created a special area in company onedrive where both teams can save files .


it is very important to save the files using the correct nomenclature ( see the appropriate page on the WIKI).
