Small plugin that adds handlers for code actions fired by LTEX Language Server:
- Add to dictionary
- Disable rule
- Hide false positive
First, you have to make sure LTEX Language Server is installed and configured. Please follow the instructions on the ltex-ls page. Please refer to my configuration for the example. Then, this plugin could be installed like this:
Using packer:
Or lazy:
return {
event = { "BufReadPre", "BufNewFile" },
opts = {},
Please pay attention, in order to call the setup, lazy.nvim requires opts
key to be any truthy value.
Name | Default Value |
user_dictionaries_path | ${HOME}/.ltex/dictionaries |
The plugin will create three files there: dictionary.json
, disabled_rules.json
, false_positives.json
In case you're using lazy.nvim, and default configuration works for you, there is no need to take any additional steps. Otherwise, the plugin could be configured by calling setup function manually like this:
return {
event = { "BufReadPre", "BufNewFile" },
opts = {
user_dictionaries_path = vim.env.HOME .. 'some/other/path'
Command | Description |
:LTeXSetLanguage |
Sets the language for the current document |
:LTeXStatus |
Shows a floating window with a status from LTeX-ls |
In order to make sure ltex-client is installed along with LTeX-ls, for lazy.nvim and Mason, you can define it like this:
return {
opts = function(_, opts)
vim.list_extend(opts.ensure_installed, { "ltex-ls" })
opts = {},