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Fix bogus bound variable warnings in fun expression heads
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This is a workaround for erl_syntax_lib not considering shadowing in fun

There is a further issue with named funs where variables from the name and head
are not added to the env of the fun body. This is not fixed by the current

Fixes erlang-ls#982.
  • Loading branch information
gomoripeti committed Apr 12, 2021
1 parent 36bf081 commit abd7eb7
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@

-export([f/1, g/1, h/2]).
-export([f/1, g/1, h/2, fun_expr/1, named_fun_expr/0]).

f(Var1) ->
Var1 = 1.
Expand All @@ -18,3 +18,14 @@ h(Var3, Var4) ->
catch Var4 ->

fun_expr(New) ->
fun(New, Var5) ->
Var5 = New

named_fun_expr() ->
fun F(New, Var6) ->
New = Var6,
F = Var6
15 changes: 14 additions & 1 deletion apps/els_lsp/src/els_bound_var_in_pattern_diagnostics.erl
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Expand Up @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ find_vars_in_form(Form) ->
function ->
AnnotatedForm = erl_syntax_lib:annotate_bindings(Form, []),
%% There are no bound variables in function heads or guards
%% so lets decend straight into the bodies
%% so lets descend straight into the bodies
Clauses = erl_syntax:function_clauses(AnnotatedForm),
ClauseBodies = lists:map(fun erl_syntax:clause_body/1, Clauses),
fold_subtrees(ClauseBodies, []);
Expand All @@ -76,6 +76,19 @@ fold_subtrees(Subtrees, Acc) ->
-spec find_vars_in_tree(tree(), [poi()]) -> [poi()].
find_vars_in_tree(Tree, Acc) ->
case erl_syntax:type(Tree) of
Type when Type =:= fun_expr;
Type =:= named_fun_expr ->
%% There is no bound variables in fun expression heads,
%% because they shadow whatever is in the input env
%% so lets descend straight into the bodies
%% (This is a workaround for erl_syntax_lib not considering
%% shadowing in fun expressions)
Clauses = case Type of
fun_expr -> erl_syntax:fun_expr_clauses(Tree);
named_fun_expr -> erl_syntax:named_fun_expr_clauses(Tree)
ClauseBodies = lists:map(fun erl_syntax:clause_body/1, Clauses),
fold_subtrees(ClauseBodies, Acc);
match_expr ->
Pattern = erl_syntax:match_expr_pattern(Tree),
NewAcc = fold_pattern(Pattern, Acc),
Expand Down
22 changes: 21 additions & 1 deletion apps/els_lsp/test/els_diagnostics_SUITE.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -176,10 +176,30 @@ bound_var_in_pattern(Config) ->
#{'end' => #{character => 12, line => 17},
start => #{character => 8, line => 17}},
severity => 4,
source => <<"BoundVarInPattern">>},
#{message => <<"Bound variable in pattern: Var5">>,
range =>
#{'end' => #{character => 10, line => 23},
start => #{character => 6, line => 23}},
severity => 4,
source => <<"BoundVarInPattern">>}
%% erl_syntax_lib:annotate_bindings does not handle named funs correctly
%% #{message => <<"Bound variable in pattern: New">>,
%% range =>
%% #{'end' => #{character => 9, line => 28},
%% start => #{character => 6, line => 28}},
%% severity => 4,
%% source => <<"BoundVarInPattern">>},
%% #{message => <<"Bound variable in pattern: F">>,
%% range =>
%% #{'end' => #{character => 7, line => 29},
%% start => #{character => 6, line => 29}},
%% severity => 4,
%% source => <<"BoundVarInPattern">>}
F = fun(#{message := M1}, #{message := M2}) -> M1 =< M2 end,
?assertEqual(Expected, lists:sort(F, Diagnostics)),
Hints = [D || #{severity := ?DIAGNOSTIC_HINT} = D <- Diagnostics],
?assertEqual(Expected, lists:sort(F, Hints)),

-spec compiler(config()) -> ok.
Expand Down

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