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Refactor attach and launch
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zsoci committed Jun 15, 2021
1 parent 0612167 commit 5466230
Showing 1 changed file with 43 additions and 62 deletions.
105 changes: 43 additions & 62 deletions apps/els_dap/src/els_dap_general_provider.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -88,39 +88,10 @@ handle_request({<<"initialize">>, _Params}, State) ->
InitOptions = #{},
ok = els_config:initialize(RootUri, capabilities(), InitOptions),
{capabilities(), State};
handle_request({<<"launch">>, Params}, State) ->
#{<<"cwd">> := Cwd} = Params,
ok = file:set_cwd(Cwd),
Name = filename:basename(Cwd),

%% start distribution
LocalNode = els_distribution_server:node_name(<<"erlang_ls_dap">>, Name),
?LOG_INFO("Distribution up on: [~p]", [LocalNode]),

%% get default and final launch config
DefaultConfig = #{
<<"projectnode">> =>
els_distribution_server:node_name(<<"erlang_ls_dap_project">>, Name),
<<"cookie">> => atom_to_binary(erlang:get_cookie(), utf8),
<<"timeout">> => 30,
<<"use_long_names">> => false
#{ <<"projectnode">> := RawProjectNode
, <<"cookie">> := ConfCookie
, <<"timeout">> := TimeOut
, <<"use_long_names">> := UseLongNames} = maps:merge(DefaultConfig, Params),
ConfProjectNode = check_project_node_name(RawProjectNode, UseLongNames),
?LOG_INFO("Configured Project Node Name: ~p", [ConfProjectNode]),
ProjectNode = binary_to_atom(ConfProjectNode, utf8),
Cookie = binary_to_atom(ConfCookie, utf8),

%% set cookie
true = erlang:set_cookie(LocalNode, Cookie),

handle_request({<<"launch">>, #{<<"cwd">> := Cwd} = Params}, State) ->
#{ <<"projectnode">> := ProjectNode
, <<"cookie">> := Cookie
, <<"timeout">> := TimeOut} = start_distribution(Params),

case Params of
#{ <<"runinterminal">> := Cmd
Expand All @@ -143,7 +114,7 @@ handle_request({<<"launch">>, Params}, State) ->
, "--sname"
, ProjectNode
, "--setcookie"
, erlang:atom_to_list(Cookie)
, erlang:binary_to_list(Cookie)
Expand All @@ -156,33 +127,8 @@ handle_request({<<"launch">>, Params}, State) ->
, timeout => TimeOut
handle_request({<<"attach">>, Params}, State) ->
#{<<"cwd">> := Cwd} = Params,
ok = file:set_cwd(Cwd),
Name = filename:basename(Cwd),

%% start distribution
LocalNode = els_distribution_server:node_name(<<"erlang_ls_dap">>, Name),
?LOG_INFO("Distribution up on: [~p]", [LocalNode]),

%% get default and final launch config
DefaultConfig = #{
<<"projectnode">> =>
els_distribution_server:node_name(<<"erlang_ls_dap_project">>, Name),
<<"cookie">> => atom_to_binary(erlang:get_cookie(), utf8),
<<"timeout">> => 30
#{ <<"projectnode">> := ConfProjectNode
, <<"cookie">> := ConfCookie
, <<"timeout">> := TimeOut} = maps:merge(DefaultConfig, Params),
ProjectNode = binary_to_atom(ConfProjectNode, utf8),
Cookie = binary_to_atom(ConfCookie, utf8),

%% set cookie
true = erlang:set_cookie(LocalNode, Cookie),
#{ <<"projectnode">> := ProjectNode
, <<"timeout">> := TimeOut} = start_distribution(Params),

els_dap_server:send_event(<<"initialized">>, #{}),

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -918,8 +864,43 @@ check_project_node_name(ProjectNode, true) ->
nomatch ->
{ok, HostName} = inet:gethostname(),
BinHostName = list_to_binary(HostName),
Domain = list_to_binary(proplists:get_value(domain, inet:get_rc(), "")),
DomainStr = proplists:get_value(domain, inet:get_rc(), <<"">>),
Domain = list_to_binary(DomainStr),
<<ProjectNode/binary, "@", BinHostName/binary, ".", Domain/binary>>;
_ ->

-spec start_distribution(map()) -> map().
start_distribution(Params) ->
#{<<"cwd">> := Cwd} = Params,
ok = file:set_cwd(Cwd),
Name = filename:basename(Cwd),

%% start distribution
LocalNode = els_distribution_server:node_name(<<"erlang_ls_dap">>, Name),
?LOG_INFO("Distribution up on: [~p]", [LocalNode]),

%% get default and final launch config
DefaultConfig = #{
<<"projectnode">> =>
els_distribution_server:node_name(<<"erlang_ls_dap_project">>, Name),
<<"cookie">> => atom_to_binary(erlang:get_cookie(), utf8),
<<"timeout">> => 30,
<<"use_long_names">> => false
Config = maps:merge(DefaultConfig, Params),
#{ <<"projectnode">> := RawProjectNode
, <<"cookie">> := ConfCookie
, <<"use_long_names">> := UseLongNames} = Config,
ConfProjectNode = check_project_node_name(RawProjectNode, UseLongNames),
?LOG_INFO("Configured Project Node Name: ~p", [ConfProjectNode]),
Cookie = binary_to_atom(ConfCookie, utf8),

%% set cookie
true = erlang:set_cookie(LocalNode, Cookie),
Config#{ <<"projectnode">> => binary_to_atom(ConfProjectNode, utf8)}.

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