Fork the repo from the develop branch.
clone the forked repo.
- Features change something about your product.
- Bugs are simply things that are broken.
- Chores are the things you have to do that don’t actually change your product.
Read more here
Branches created should be named using the following format:
{story type}-{2-3 word summary}-{issue tracker id}
- Indicates the context of the branch and should be one of:
- ft == Feature
- bg == Bug
- ch == Chore
- rf == Refactor
- Short 2-3 words summary about what the branch contains
Example of a feature branch: ft-responsive-mobile-layout-11
<type>(<scope>): <subject>``<BLANK LINE> <body> <BLANK LINE> <footer>
should be:
- feature
- bug
- chore
- release
- refactor
- documentation
- style
- test
should be something specific to the commit change.
Example of a commit message:
feature(logo): add logo to the toolbar[finishes #45]
Read more here
You are required to create a separate branch using the naming convention above for each change you made and then merge
into the develop branch.
here is a good guide to getting yourself familiar with the git workflow.