- get https://api.ibm.com/saascore/run/authentication-retrieve?orgId={{organizationid}}
- Authorization
- Basic Auth with ibm id username and password
- Header
x-ibm-client-Id : saascore-{{clientid}}
- put: https://api.ibm.com/infohub/run/metadata/api/v1/{{geo}}/tenants/{{clientid}}/cos/{{cos-secrete-name}}
- cos-secrete-name is a name that you give to the secret
- Authorization: bearer token from the authentication step
- header
x-ibm-client-Id: infohub-{{clientid}}
- body:
{ "value":"{{cos-api-key}}" }
- post: https://api.ibm.com/infohub/run/metadata/api/v1/{{geo}}/data/import/rules
- Authorization: bearer token from the authentication step
- header
- x-ibm-client-Id: infohub-{{clientid}}
- body:
{ "name": "OMS to SCIS COS CSV bulk import rule", "tenantId": "{{clientid}}", "instructions": { "transform": { "schema": "USE_DEFAULT", "deleteTransformFileAfterRoutedToDestination": "true", "transformedFilePrefixName": "csvTransform", "sourceFormat": "csv" }, "routeTo": { "streamingIngest": { "priority": "1" }, "destinationType": "streamingIngest" }, "source": { "sourceType": "COS", "COS": { "bucketName": "{{cos-bucket-name}}", "prefixName": "{{cos-file-prefix}}", "endpoint": "{{cos-end-point}}", "instanceId": "{{cos-instance-id}}", "bucketRegion": "{{cos-bucket-region}}", "secretName": "{{cos-secrete-name}}", "isPublicUrl": "false" } } } }
Use connected data to export from OMS and import into COS CSV files.
Update SCIS organization with OMS' YFS_ORGANIZATION table
- Input
- organization_from_oms connecting to OMS YFS_ORGANIZATION table
- Output
- organization_to_scis connecting to COS CSV file scis/import/OMS-AOD/Organization.csv
filter(`IS_HUB_ORGANIZATION` == 'Y' | `IS_ENTERPRISE` == 'Y' | `IS_CARRIER` == 'Y')
Form columns for SCIS
mutate(organization.organizationIdentifier = `ORGANIZATION_CODE`, location.locationIdentifier = `ORGANIZATION_CODE`, name=`ORGANIZATION_NAME`, division='', sourceLink='')
mutate(orgType = case_when(`IS_CARRIER` == 'Y' ~ 'CARRIER', `IS_BUYER` == 'Y' ~ 'CUSTOMER', `IS_SELLER` == 'Y' ~ 'SUPPLIER', `IS_ENTERPRISE`=='Y' ~ 'ORGANIZATION', TRUE ~ 'OPERATIONS'))
Select the output columns
- Input
- location_shipnode_from_oms connecting to OMS YFS_SHIPNODE table
- location_person_info_from_oms connecting to OMS YFS_PERSON_INFO table
- Output
- location_to_scis connecting to COS CSV file scis/import/OMS-AOD/Location.csv
left-joined data from location_person_info_from_oms based on columns SHIP_NODE_ADDRESS_KEY,PERSON_INFO_KEY
Form columns for SCIS
rename(city = `CITY`)
mutate(locationIdentifier= `SHIP_NODE`, locationType = `NODE_TYPE`, locationName = `DESCRIPTION`, address1 = `ADDRESS_LINE1`, address2=`ADDRESS_LINE2`, postalCode=`ZIP_CODE`, stateProvince=`STATE`, country=`COUNTRY`, coordinates= paste(coalesce(`LATITUDE_s`, 9.9999), coalesce(`LONGITUDE_s`, 9.9999), sep=', '),includeInCorrelation=TRUE, geo='', locationSubType= '', sourceLink = '' )
Select the output columns
select( `locationIdentifier`, `locationType`, `locationName`, `address1`, `address2`, `city`, `postalCode`, `stateProvince`, `country`, `coordinates`, `includeInCorrelation`, `geo`, `locationSubType`, `sourceLink` )
- Input
- product_from_oms connecting to OMS YFS_ITEM table
- Output
- product_to_scis connecting to COS CSV file scis/import/OMS-AOD/Product.csv
Replaced all values '[\r\n]' with ' ' in DESCRIPTION
Form columns for SCIS
rename(description = `DESCRIPTION`, status=`STATUS`)
mutate(partNumber= `ITEM_ID`, productType='PRODUCT', category.code=`ITEM_TYPE`, brand.code='',family.code='',line.code='',segment.code='', status= if_else(str_trim(`status`) == '3000' , 'ACTIVE', 'INACTIVE'), value=`UNIT_COST`, valueCurrency=`COST_CURRENCY`, defaultQuantityUnits=`UOM`, name=`SHORT_DESCRIPTION`, plannerCode='', sourceLink=`IMAGE_LOCATION`)
Select the output columns
This process was not working due to:
- CP4D formats timestamp and date to YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss format (I think it is using database to format date/time in POSIXct format)
- SCIS import expects date/time string in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss (UTC/ISO format)
- CP4D data refinery runtime doesn't support R functions of "format" or "gsub" (it works in the designer/preview mode but not in Spark jobs)
- Input
- order_header_from_oms connecting to OMS YFS_ORDER_HEADER table
- Output
- order_to_scis connecting to COS CSV file scis/import/OMS-AOD/Order.csv
Form columns for SCIS
mutate(orderType = case_when(str_trim(`DOCUMENT_TYPE`) == '0001' ~ 'Sales Order', str_trim(`DOCUMENT_TYPE`) == '0002' ~ 'Planned Order', str_trim(`DOCUMENT_TYPE`) == '0003' ~ 'Return Order', str_trim(`DOCUMENT_TYPE`) == '0004' ~ 'Template Order', str_trim(`DOCUMENT_TYPE`) == '0005' ~ 'Purchase Order', str_trim(`DOCUMENT_TYPE`) == '0006' ~ 'Transfer Order', str_trim(`DOCUMENT_TYPE`) == '0007' ~ 'Master Order', TRUE ~ 'Unknown'))
- Date string format
Having issue with date time formats. CP4D timestamp output format: "2022-03-28 12:51:31". SCIS expect input format: "2022-03-28T12:51:31".
This works in the editor mode but Spark runtime can't find "format" function
mutate(createdDate = format(`ORDER_DATE`, '%FT%T'), requestedShipDate=format(`REQ_SHIP_DATE`, '%FT%T'), requestedDeliveryDate=format(`REQ_DELIVERY_DATE`, '%FT%T')) #or mutate(createdDate = as.character(`ORDER_DATE`, '%FT%T'), requestedShipDate=as.character(`REQ_SHIP_DATE`, '%FT%T'), requestedDeliveryDate=as.character(`REQ_DELIVERY_DATE`, '%FT%T')) mutate(createdDate = date_format(`ORDER_DATE`, 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH24'), requestedShipDate=date_format(`REQ_SHIP_DATE`, 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH24'), requestedDeliveryDate=date_format(`REQ_DELIVERY_DATE`, yyyy-MM-ddTHH24'))
This is what I am using now. It only sends the Date part of the timestamp
mutate(createdDate = as.Date(`ORDER_DATE`), requestedShipDate=as.Date(`REQ_SHIP_DATE`), requestedDeliveryDate=as.Date(`REQ_DELIVERY_DATE`))
mutate(orderIdentifier = `ORDER_NO`, vendor.organizationIdentifier = `SELLER_ORGANIZATION_CODE`, buyer.organizationIdentifier=`BUYER_ORGANIZATION_CODE`, shipFromInstructionLocation.locationIdentifier=`SHIP_NODE`, shipToLocation.locationIdentifier=`RECEIVING_NODE`, orderStatus='', createdDate=`ORDER_DATE`, requestedShipDate=`REQ_SHIP_DATE`, requestedDeliveryDate=`REQ_DELIVERY_DATE`, plannedShipDate='', plannedDeliveryDate='', quantity='', quantityUnits='', totalValue=`TOTAL_AMOUNT`, orderValueCurrency=`CURRENCY`, lineCount='', totalShippedQuantity='', exclude='', sourceLink='')
Select the output columns
Order Header import transformation is actually done with Jupyter Notebook order_refine_process.ipynb
Due to the same issue as Order Header Import. Order line import transformation is actually done with Jupyter Notebook.
Update SCIS organization with OMS' YFS_SHIPMENT table
- Input
- shipment_from_oms connecting to OMS YFS_SHIPMENT table
- Output
- shipment_to_scis connecting to COS CSV file scis/import/OMS-AOD/Shipment.csv
Rename Column
Renamed column SHIPMENT_NO to shipmentIdentifier
Renamed column SHIPNODE_KEY to shipFromLocation.locationIdentifier
Renamed column RECEIVING_NODE to shipToLocation.locationIdentifier
Renamed column SELLER_ORGANIZATION_CODE to vendor.organizationIdentifier
Renamed column BUYER_ORGANIZATION_CODE to buyer.organizationIdentifier
Renamed column SCAC to carrier.organizationIdentifier
Renamed column STATUS to status
Construct data for shipmentType column, based on DOCUMENT_TYPE
Replaced values for shipmentType: DOCUMENT_TYPE where value contains "0001" as "OUTBOUND", DOCUMENT_TYPE where value contains "0003" as "INBOUND", DOCUMENT_TYPE where value is equal to "0005" as "INBOUND", ORDER_TYPE where value is equal to "Replenishment" as "INBOUND". Replaced all remaining values with "".
Construct data for status column
Replaced values for status: status where value contains "1400" as "SHIPPED", status where value contains "1500" as "DELIVERED". Replaced all remaining values with "NOT SHIPPED".
For the Date fields like dateCreated, there are 2 ways to create the fields.
Filtered by: createdDate where value is not empty
Split column
Split createdDate by text into Date,Time
Concatenated the values of Date,Time into dateCreated
Alternatively, one can also opt for custom code, as outlined below :
mutate(requestedTimeOfArrival = case_when( substr(coalesce(`REQUESTED_DELIVERY_DATE`, as.POSIXct("3000-01-01")), 1, 10) == "3000-01-01" ~ "", substr(`REQUESTED_DELIVERY_DATE`, 12, 19) == "" ~ paste(substr(`REQUESTED_DELIVERY_DATE`, 1, 10), "00:00:00", sep="T"), TRUE ~ paste(substr(`REQUESTED_DELIVERY_DATE`, 1, 10), substr(`REQUESTED_DELIVERY_DATE`, 12, 19), sep="T") ))
mutate(committedTimeOfArrival = case_when( substr(coalesce(`DELIVERY_TS`, as.POSIXct("3000-01-01")), 1, 10) == "3000-01-01" ~ "", substr(`DELIVERY_TS`, 12, 19) == "" ~ paste(substr(`DELIVERY_TS`, 1, 10), "00:00:00", sep="T"), TRUE ~ paste(substr(`DELIVERY_TS`, 1, 10), substr(`DELIVERY_TS`, 12, 19), sep="T") ))
mutate(actualShipDate = case_when( substr(coalesce(`SHIP_DATE`, as.POSIXct("3000-01-01")), 1, 10) == "3000-01-01" ~ "", substr(`SHIP_DATE`, 12, 19) == "" ~ paste(substr(`SHIP_DATE`, 1, 10), "00:00:00", sep="T"), TRUE ~ paste(substr(`SHIP_DATE`, 1, 10), substr(`SHIP_DATE`, 12, 19), sep="T") ))
mutate(estimatedTimeOfArrival = case_when( substr(coalesce(`EXPECTED_DELIVERY_DATE`, as.POSIXct("3000-01-01")), 1, 10) == "3000-01-01" ~ "", substr(`EXPECTED_DELIVERY_DATE`, 12, 19) == "" ~ paste(substr(`EXPECTED_DELIVERY_DATE`, 1, 10), "00:00:00", sep="T"), TRUE ~ paste(substr(`EXPECTED_DELIVERY_DATE`, 1, 10), substr(`EXPECTED_DELIVERY_DATE`, 12, 19), sep="T") ))
mutate(revisedEstimatedTimeOfArrival = case_when( substr(coalesce(`EXPECTED_DELIVERY_DATE`, as.POSIXct("3000-01-01")), 1, 10) == "3000-01-01" ~ "", substr(`EXPECTED_DELIVERY_DATE`, 12, 19) == "" ~ paste(substr(`EXPECTED_DELIVERY_DATE`, 1, 10), "00:00:00", sep="T"), TRUE ~ paste(substr(`EXPECTED_DELIVERY_DATE`, 1, 10), substr(`EXPECTED_DELIVERY_DATE`, 12, 19), sep="T") ))
mutate(predictedTimeOfArrival = case_when( substr(coalesce(`EXPECTED_DELIVERY_DATE`, as.POSIXct("3000-01-01")), 1, 10) == "3000-01-01" ~ "", substr(`EXPECTED_DELIVERY_DATE`, 12, 19) == "" ~ paste(substr(`EXPECTED_DELIVERY_DATE`, 1, 10), "00:00:00", sep="T"), TRUE ~ paste(substr(`EXPECTED_DELIVERY_DATE`, 1, 10), substr(`EXPECTED_DELIVERY_DATE`, 12, 19), sep="T") ))
mutate(actualTimeOfArrival = case_when( substr(coalesce(`ACTUAL_DELIVERY_DATE`, as.POSIXct("3000-01-01")), 1, 10) == "3000-01-01" ~ "", substr(`ACTUAL_DELIVERY_DATE`, 12, 19) == "" ~ paste(substr(`ACTUAL_DELIVERY_DATE`, 1, 10), "00:00:00", sep="T"), TRUE ~ paste(substr(`ACTUAL_DELIVERY_DATE`, 1, 10), substr(`ACTUAL_DELIVERY_DATE`, 12, 19), sep="T") ))
- Select the output columns -
Update SCIS organization with OMS' YFS_SHIPMENT_LINE table
- Input
- shipment_line_from_oms connecting to OMS YFS_SHIPMENT_LINE table
- Output
- shipment_line_to_scis connecting to COS CSV file scis/import/OMS-AOD/ShipmentLine.csv
Perform an inner join with YFS_SHIPMENT table, as some fields are required from YFS_SHIPMENT table
Secondary data source OMS Always On Demo DB/OMDB/YFS_SHIPMENT inner-joined data from OMS Always On Demo DB/OMDB/YFS_SHIPMENT based on columns SHIPMENT_KEY,SHIPMENT_KEY
Custom code for dateCreated, shipment.shipmentIdentifier, shipmentLineNumber
mutate(dateCreated = case_when( substr(coalesce(`CREATETS_y`, as.POSIXct("3000-01-01")), 1, 10) == "3000-01-01" ~ "", substr(`CREATETS_y`, 12, 19) == "" ~ paste(substr(`CREATETS_y`, 1, 10), "00:00:00", sep="T"), TRUE ~ paste(substr(`CREATETS_y`, 1, 10), substr(`CREATETS_y`, 12, 19), sep="T") ))
mutate(shipment.shipmentIdentifier = `SHIPMENT_NO`,shipmentLineNumber = `SHIPMENT_LINE_NO`)
Construct data for shipment.shipmentType, based on DOCUMENT_TYPE from YFS_SHIPMENT
Replaced values for shipment.shipmentType: DOCUMENT_TYPE where value contains "0001" as "OUTBOUND", DOCUMENT_TYPE where value contains "0003" as "INBOUND", DOCUMENT_TYPE where value contains "0005" as "INBOUND", ORDER_TYPE_x where value contains "Replenishment" as "INBOUND". Replaced all remaining values with "".
Custom code for order.orderIdentifier, orderLine.orderLineNumber, quantityUnits,
mutate(order.orderIdentifier = `ORDER_NO_x`, orderLine.orderLineNumber = `PRIME_LINE_NO`)
mutate(quantityUnits = `UOM`)
Renamed column QUANTITY to quantity
mutate( valueCurrency = `CURRENCY` )
Select the output columns -