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iankurgarg committed Apr 13, 2017
1 parent 0854890 commit 72075f6
Showing 1 changed file with 267 additions and 0 deletions.
267 changes: 267 additions & 0 deletions Python/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
import pandas as pd

temp = pd.read_csv('data/MDP_Original_data2.csv')
vec = list(temp.columns)
categorical_features_details = []
categorical_features = []
continuous_features = vec[6:]

# separating out categorical features
for v in vec:
if (temp[v].dtype == 'int64') and (max(temp[v]) < 10) :

for c in categorical_features:

# Writing the features to different files
temp[categorical_features].to_csv('data/categorical_data.csv', index = False)
temp[continuous_features].to_csv('data/continuous_data.csv', index=False)
temp[vec[0:6]].to_csv('data/default_data.csv', index=False)

# print categorical_features_details
# print categorical_features
# print continuous_features

# Range between 10 to 20
# ['UseWindowInfo', 'SystemInfoHintCount', 'PreviousStepClickCountWE', 'cumul_SystemInfoHintCount']

# Range between 0-10
# ['symbolicRepresentationCount', 'Level', 'probDiff', 'difficultProblemCountSolved', 'difficultProblemCountWE', 'easyProblemCountSolved', 'easyProblemCountWE', 'probAlternate', 'easyProbAlternate', 'RuleTypesCount', 'NewLevel', 'SolvedPSInLevel', 'SeenWEinLevel', 'probIndexinLevel', 'probIndexPSinLevel', 'cumul_difficultProblemCountSolved', 'cumul_difficultProblemCountWE', 'cumul_easyProblemCountSolved', 'cumul_easyProblemCountWE', 'cumul_probAlternate', 'cumul_easyProbAlternate', 'cumul_RuleTypesCount', 'cumul_probIndexinLevel', 'CurrPro_NumProbRule']

# processing continuous features checking correlated variables.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

continuous_data = pd.read_csv('data/continuous_data.csv')

# plot the correlation matrix
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm as cm
def plotCorrMatrix(data,title='Continuous Feature Correlation Figure 1'):
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (50,50) )
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
cmap = cm.get_cmap('jet', 30)
cax = ax1.imshow(data.corr(), interpolation="nearest", cmap=cmap)
# Add colorbar, make sure to specify tick locations to match desired ticklabels
fig.colorbar(cax, ticks=[.75,.8,.85,.90,.95,1])

# Removing correlated variables
# Stage 1 Rules for removing them: 1. It should be highly correlated to at least 3 variables
corr_matrix = pd.read_csv('data/correlation_continuous_data.csv')
vec = list(corr_matrix.iloc[:,0])
correlated_features = set()
cutoff_limit = 0.8
cutoff_count = 3
for i in range(1,len(corr_matrix.columns)):
for j in range(i+2,len(corr_matrix.columns)):
if corr_matrix.iloc[i,j] >= cutoff_limit or corr_matrix.iloc[i,j] <= -cutoff_limit:

# >>> correlated_features
# set(['RightApp', 'cumul_UseCount', 'CurrPro_avgProbTimeWE', 'cumul_RightApp', 'MorphCount', 'cumul_WrongApp', 'DirectProofActionCount', 'cumul_Interaction', 'cumul_TotalPSTime', 'cumul_DirectProofActionCount', 'cumul_FDActionCount', 'cumul_AppRatio', 'cumul_WrongSemanticsApp', 'WrongApp', 'WrongSemanticsApp', 'AppRatio', 'BlankRatio', 'cumul_MorphCount', 'cumul_OptionalCount', 'RrightAppRatio', 'cumul_TotalTime', 'FDActionCount', 'CurrPro_avgProbTime', 'TotalTime', 'cumul_actionCount', 'cumul_WrongSyntaxApp', 'cumul_PrepCount', 'CurrPro_avgProbTimePS', 'UseCount', 'actionCount'])
# >>> len(correlated_features)
# 30
vec = list(continuous_data.columns)
for v in correlated_features:
uncorrelated_continuous_data = continuous_data[vec]
plotCorrMatrix(uncorrelated_continuous_data, 'Matrix after removing highly correlated features')

# PCA on uncorrelated continuous data

from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

pca = PCA()
original_data = pd.read_csv('data/uncorrelated_continuous_data.csv')
temp = pca.fit_transform(original_data)
temp = pd.DataFrame(temp)
#choose top 6 principle components as they capture 98.09% of the variance

# choose top principle components
# >>> pca.explained_variance_ratio_
# array([ 7.28355759e-01, 1.36513237e-01, 7.00681792e-02,
# 2.24008293e-02, 1.36150173e-02, 1.01658098e-02,
# 8.51554398e-03, 2.97274733e-03, 2.48436776e-03,
# 1.35684401e-03, 1.00168968e-03, 8.62959445e-04,
# 6.45274791e-04, 2.71804320e-04, 1.93545898e-04,
# 1.00928853e-04, 8.01383261e-05, 6.41223789e-05,
# 5.61715459e-05, 4.63120553e-05, 4.07903092e-05,
# 2.86934870e-05, 2.39776430e-05, 2.27703187e-05,
# 1.82581720e-05, 1.64110265e-05, 1.57070157e-05,
# 1.05048042e-05, 8.38789485e-06, 6.19827540e-06,
# 5.99996174e-06, 4.99218374e-06, 4.04541487e-06,
# 3.97654081e-06, 3.58440295e-06, 3.40945252e-06,
# 2.28647680e-06, 2.23156009e-06, 1.44794111e-06,
# 1.00013525e-06, 6.95350337e-07, 5.77928360e-07,
# 5.34495107e-07, 4.85241409e-07, 3.68088086e-07,
# 2.57587873e-07, 1.53666907e-07, 1.25434023e-07,
# 1.10053985e-07, 1.07315718e-07, 1.00947956e-07,
# 9.63018423e-08, 8.82122159e-08, 8.10120914e-08,
# 6.31823480e-08, 4.96288327e-08, 4.57827687e-08,
# 3.18633791e-08, 1.70812503e-08, 1.57049386e-08,
# 1.42198389e-08, 8.67150082e-09, 5.14313629e-09,
# 4.62111225e-09, 3.28222210e-09, 1.87835063e-09,
# 9.95415882e-10, 6.26398816e-10, 1.97026179e-10,
# 1.24571813e-10])

# Try clustering on PCA's to find out how many bins to make
from sklearn.cluster import MeanShift
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
pca_data = pd.read_csv('data/new_pca_data.csv')
ms = MeanShift(n_jobs=-1)['0']).reshape(-1,1))

# Using variance inflation factor for removing features
from statsmodels.stats.outliers_influence import variance_inflation_factor

def calculate_vif_(X):
thresh = 5.0
variables = range(X.shape[1])
while (dropped==True):
vif = [variance_inflation_factor(X[variables].values, ix) for ix in range(X[variables].shape[1])]
maxloc = vif.index(max(vif))
if max(vif) > thresh:
print('dropping \'' + X[variables].columns[maxloc] + '\' at index: ' + str(maxloc))
del variables[maxloc]
print('Remaining variables:')
return X[variables]

clean_data = calculate_vif_(pd.read_csv('data/continuous_data.csv'))

# *****************************************************
# Scaling and trying pca
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn import preprocessing

temp = pd.read_csv('data/uncorrelated_continuous_data.csv')
vec = list(temp.columns)
for v in vec:
temp[v] = preprocessing.scale(temp[v])

pca = PCA()
temp_pca = pca.fit_transform(temp)
temp_pca = pd.DataFrame(temp_pca)

original_pca = pd.read_csv('data/pca_data.csv')

exp_variance = list(pca.explained_variance_ratio_)
# this method has the result
#>>> pca.explained_variance_ratio_
# array([ 1.39458344e-01, 8.39514305e-02, 6.02347227e-02,
# 4.81988162e-02, 4.50864646e-02, 4.25902448e-02,
# 3.45768707e-02, 2.89915597e-02, 2.78930736e-02,
# 2.29913987e-02, 2.06589697e-02, 2.00705059e-02,
# 1.96919986e-02, 1.84801665e-02, 1.73147673e-02,
# 1.70365470e-02, 1.61552689e-02, 1.53394033e-02,
# 1.46319386e-02, 1.41629299e-02, 1.39003986e-02,
# 1.34651075e-02, 1.28739435e-02, 1.21999702e-02,
# 1.20389418e-02, 1.11338309e-02, 1.07671967e-02,
# 1.02045663e-02, 9.68397813e-03, 9.43327353e-03,
# 9.08713157e-03, 8.58203678e-03, 8.42318665e-03,
# 8.18170110e-03, 8.00373216e-03, 7.69822602e-03,
# 7.63279563e-03, 7.29912331e-03, 6.89340834e-03,
# 6.69221610e-03, 6.25081012e-03, 6.11137477e-03,
# 5.96352336e-03, 5.60343244e-03, 5.53101607e-03,
# 5.18297758e-03, 5.11380522e-03, 4.91954091e-03,
# 4.52901679e-03, 4.29227543e-03, 4.04294017e-03,
# 3.90545881e-03, 3.62389214e-03, 3.42820942e-03,
# 3.40916989e-03, 3.25337744e-03, 2.90756117e-03,
# 2.88185421e-03, 2.65656573e-03, 2.63735610e-03,
# 2.39198649e-03, 1.95843698e-03, 1.70261948e-03,
# 1.48899166e-03, 1.32654191e-03, 1.19682026e-03,
# 1.03399514e-03, 5.22008215e-04, 4.23509458e-04,
# 7.46923519e-07])
# Almost 60 principle components are required to explain 98% variance which is not helpful

# Will not try normalizing the data

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn import preprocessing

temp = pd.read_csv('data/uncorrelated_continuous_data.csv')
vec = list(temp.columns)

pca = PCA()
temp_pca = pca.fit_transform(temp)
temp_pca = pd.DataFrame(temp_pca)

original_pca = pd.read_csv('data/pca_data.csv')

exp_variance = list(pca.explained_variance_ratio_)

# ********************************************************************
# Scaling the 124 features for using in neural network
import pandas as pd
from sklearn import preprocessing
temp = pd.read_csv('data/MDP_Original_data2.csv')
vec = temp.columns
temp = temp[vec[6:]]
temp = preprocessing.scale(temp)

# ********************************************************************
# Comparing results from both neural network training
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
original = pd.read_csv('data/scaled124_generated.csv')
output_1 = pd.read_csv('data/nn_final_layer_output.csv')
output_2 = pd.read_csv('data/nn_scrap/nn_final_layer_output.csv')

original = np.array(original)
output_1 = np.array(output_1)
output_2 = np.array(output_2)

error1 = tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(original - output_1))
error2 = tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(original - output_2))
session = tf.Session()
e1 =
e2 =

print 'error 1:',e1
print 'error 2:',e1

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